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We were disturbed by Simon walking into the room.

"I didn't disturb anything did I?" he asked nervously.

"Nah, it's cool man" Cal replied.

"Bog said you might be here, we are planning on going to Nandos, you in?" Simon asked.

"Yeah" Cal replied and I quickly stood up and walked out of the room and into the kitchen where I found everyone else.

I stood there for a minute just watching them before Simon and Cal came up to me. Cal walked into the kitchen while Simon took my arm.

"I need to know why you asked me about her, how did you know anything?" he told me and I shook my head.

"She's just a distant friend, she told me about it" I lied, no one ever seemed to care about the fact that I had no phone here.

"Why would you ask me then?" he asked me holding onto my arm harder.

"Why does it matter so much?" I asked him.

"Because of her family, do you know them?" he asked me. Maybe he knows more than I thought.

"I haven't met them, why?" I asked.

"Sophie said that her dad was in some sort illegal business beside his big companies, do you know anything about it?" he asked and I played confused.

"No, what sort of illegal? Drug dealer?" I asked.

"I don't know. I've been trying to find out for over a month" he replied. Stupid idiot Simon everybody. This is why he was a dead man walking. He tried to figure Mark out, he was messing around with the wrong people.

"You broke her heart Simon. Why do you care so much about it?" I asked.

"I care about her, just not like that" he defended himself.

"How did you break her heart?" I questioned.

"I told her I didn't love her" he replied.

"But you slept with her" I asked confused, this was basically just me questioning him like I knew something. I was guessing.

"Yeah..." Simon scratched the back of his neck. God how stupid is this idiot?

Soon everyone had left for Nando's without me, promising to take back something for me. I stood on the balcony looking out on the view. Why is my life such a mess? Why did I ever agree with Mark? At least I could run away after everything. I could do it, meet up with Mark and then take all my things in a bag and run away. Nobody needs to know why, I can just run. I could go to Australia or America or Japan, honestly it doesn't matter. I just know I wouldn't be able to face Cal again after this.

"Why is my life such a mess?" I asked out loud.

I decided that if they would be gone for such a long time I could at least do something. I walked around the house and searched for a paper and a pen. When I found it I sat down by the island and began writing the note I would leave behind when I left.

I'm sorry, I can't face you again. Not after what I've done. I'm really sorry about what happened to Simon. I'm sorry about ever coming to London. I've destroyed your lives. I won't ever come back. Just forget about me, you won't find me. I'm not in London anymore. I'm starting my life over in another country.

I'm truly sorry,

Your sincerely,

Miss Rebel.

When I had the note written and done I heard how someone turned the key in the lock. I quickly took the paper and pen and ran as fast as I could to my room. They couldn't see this, not now.

As I quickly shoved the paper in a drawer in my room I heard how Cal called after me. I sighed before walking out from my room to face them. If it was hard now, I couldn't even imagine how it would be after these few weeks...

Cal walked up to me when I came into the room and put both his hands on my shoulders.

"You alright?" he asked while looking me in the eye.

"I'm fine" I replied and forced a smile.

"Last time I checked that means that you're not" Harry commented.

"I just feel lonely when everyone else go out" I lied.

"It's your fault for getting arrested" Harry said and I rolled my eyes.

"But truly, I'm alright" I promised Cal and he hugged me.

"It's just three weeks" he whispered in my ear and I nodded, not really liking the idea anymore.

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