Untitled- CRUSH..Cinderella's Confess

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I guess the more I try to hide, you knew all along. You knew I had liked you. My feelings that were too strong for even me to hold them back; to conceal them. But I can't. I just know that the more I try to hide, the more I become more visible. But I hope to save you. You think that you don't need saving; that others are wasting their time on you. But in reality, I was your savior and I am not wasting my time. If it's you, then I know I won't regret, I won't be hurt, I won't be wasting my time. Even though I am afraid I might make a wrong move, and open the wrong door ..I will unleash a sinister truth. But I do not fear you. I won't hate you nor walk away. If I was the first to make my way, to know you more little by little, in the process of saving you, I know I won't turn back. I can't turn back. You may think it'll be too late for me, to go back while I still can but..I do the opposite I am said to do. I know it is too late for me but it's never too late to save you. You see me as a friend and I am grateful. I got tired of love anyways. I won't ever know if it ever once real. Maybe. But like you said"..Love..it is a honor I do not dream of anymore".

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