Untitled-The end to my ending

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The end to my ending. No happy ending. No cupcakes and rainbows. No smiles and rejoice. Then again, there is no sadness either. No evil within thy heart. But--this emptiness within my heart is filled. With love and happiness. I thought I was..a horrible person; a heartless person. I hated  myself. Every time I look in the mirror, I never really hated anyone. I only hated myself. For I had once hurt the person I had love most but yet again, I had once more. But the reason was a big one that hurts the most. I had wished it had not to be. But it has come but never to an end. Only the  beginning. My ending. I don't know what the future will hold but I know one thing. My ending won't be tragic. It will be the ending I had held onto ever so tightly. A slight doubt though. I thought "villains" never had a happy ending. Then again, I was never a "savior" or "hero". I was merely a person who was...the protagonist. My ending..it's just the beginning.

JulietWhere stories live. Discover now