Chapter 1

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Draco POV

The war was over, but not the war inside my mind.

I dragged myself out of bed at 5am to take a shower, because at this time no one would be up. In the shower I let the warm water run over my skin, warming my shell but not the insides. I grabbed a towel and then put on fresh clothes, which means in my case sweatpants and a shirt, since I'll be going back to sleep now for the rest of the day. When everyone got up at 7am, I was still asleep and didn't even bother to wake up, I'll just skip the first two classes, maybe the third and fourth too.

I woke up covered in sweat. Another nightmare. I got up and changed my clothes. I looked up into the mirror on my wall, my huge eyebags were dragging my whole face down, my skin looked even paler than before. I slapped my face, "Get your shit together draco", I mumbled to myself.

It was 1pm, but I didnt bother going to lunch. I laid down again, like always. Soon will be holidays, but it won't be a different routine, since I'm skipping all classes. The teachers already gave up yelling at me, My roommates and friends gave up talking to me one week ago, I gave up when the war ended.

But there was still something I could enjoy, just a little bit. I would sneak out at night, to go into the forest, feeling the cold wind against my skin. I would breathe in, and become one with nature, because nature didn't deal with something like self-hate, it just lived, I wanted that too. So I went at 9pm outside. It was a place without voices, without rules, without people. A wonderful place. I felt like this was the only place I could escape to. They can't even throw me out of hogwarts, I have nowhere to go. "Nowhere", I whispered to myself

Harry POV

I let out a loud laughter as I watched ron trying to get hermione to sneak down into the kitchen and get him some snacks. "You're such a pig Ron! Always thinking about food", she said giggling. As Ron then tried to kiss her, she pushed him playfully away and then laughed "You two should really sleep", she said and then got out of our room. I sighed "Must be nice to have someone who gets every aspect of you", Ron looked at me and said: "Well it can also be annoying, I mean she always looks out for me like a mom, because she knows how clumsy I am."

"I will get some water", I said already leaving the room, walking to the big room, some kids from 1st and 2nd year were still up and talked about some stuff. I ignored them and went to get some water. "Harry!" One of the kids yelled "Come sit with us."

I frowned but then decided to sit with them for some minutes. "What do you want?" I asked a bit annoyed. "What was it like facing voldemort? I mean, it must have been extremly scary" One of the kids said excited. I sighed, "You know, it's not something I would have done volunteerly", I looked outside of the window, "But when you're chosen for something, you have to do it no matter how scary it is." The kids nodded excited and then playfully reenacted the scene of harry killing voldemort. I sighed, of course no one would care about what this war was actually about, the deaths, the pain..

when I got into bed I felt horrible, why was everyone so happy? this war.. it was disturbing, and I know we should be happy that we won and I am but I can't be happy now, not yet.

I was haunted. Maybe I could have saved him, or her, or maybe even him.. I held onto my blanket, as I pressed my eyes together and tried to empty my head. I feel like I can't breathe, how can everyone else breathe? there is no oxygen. I tried to open the window but it felt like it was locked, so I put on shoes and got out of this damn place. as soon as I arrived at the lake, I placed my face in my hands and it almost felt like my scar was burning like it did in the past.

I started to sob uncontrollably, I tried to stop myself but it wouldn't. No one would hold me after this war, no one would ask me how I am! "I hate them!", I yelled and threw a stone into the lake, creating a loud splash noise. I looked into the water and saw a figure behind me, I turned around and looked at him with my vision, blurred from all the tears. I could make out his blonde, almost white hair, and piercing grey eyes. I put my sleeve in front of my nose and mouth, to hide my puffy red cheeks. The guy looked at me, no, looked down at me. "Potter", he said and I finally realized that it was malfoy. As soon as I realized it, I started to just walk away, why does it have to be him who catches me crying? I haven't even seen him in months, his 'potter' didn't even sound as harsh as it did in the past, I heard from some slytherins that he skips all classes and just lays in his bed but I never believed it, thats not the Malfoy I got to know. I went back to my bedroom , laid down and closed my eyes. Holidays will be soon, and I'll have to stay here. I sighed as this was the last thought I had, before I escaped into the land of dreams.

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