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-Taehyung's POV-

I woke up with a light beeping sound and a weird smell around me, is not my room. I decided to open my eyes, I was in the hospital. I looked around the wide room, I saw a scattered bouquet of dolls and men. Each of which posed a doll.

Yoongi and Jimin with the big bunny.

Hoseok with the sofa and multiple Lions.

Jin and Namjoon Hyung with my huge lion.

Jungkook was half way on my hospital bed and on a chair.

that looks uncomfortable...

When did they find my stuffy collection?

With that I looked back at the boy's face, there was visible tear stains. He looked like he cried a lot cause of me, I didn't know what to do. I looked at the clock that was conveniently placed directly in front of my bed...



I crawled to the front of the bed for the information board.

I was in a coma?

I crawled back slowly and settled down, I took my hand and petted Jungkook's hair lightly as I drifted off back to sleep.

-Jungkook's POV-

I woke up with an object on my head, me and the Hyungs came yesterday and decided to stay here. It's been 7 days since Taehyung was in a coma.

I lazily opened my eyes and picked the object off my head only to realize it was a hand. I widened my eyes as I wondered how Taehyung's hand got on my head in the first place. I don't know if it was my heavy heart beat that I myself could hear or the harshness of my breathing but the person in front of me shifted little by little till the beautiful brown orbs I was praying to see for a couple days were in sight. 

"Morning Kookie~" he spoke sleepily as he sat up properly in his bed. I starred at his completely still with my mouth hanging.

"What? Don't you miss me?" He asked cheerfully. I grabbed him and hugged him tightly as i cried my heart out. "Koo..kie..Let..Go!"

"No, Hyung! I will never let you go ever again!"

"But..Kookie! I..CaN't...BreA...TH!" I let go immediately and  looked at him as he caught his breath.

He looked at me as if he was going to get revenge.

"You lil.."

"TaeTae!!!!" Just then Jin hyung and Namjoon Hyung woke up and they attacked him, I shriked a little in how aggressively they pushed me aside. The Older hyungs yelling cause the other hyungs to wake up too. The looked at eachother and then to tae before yelling 'Taetae!' in sync and jumping on the bed as well. All there was, was me left out. The doggy piled the poor peron that JUST got out of a coma!

"Hyungs! get off him!" I yelled, one by one they started to get off.

"Sorry!" they said in sync. By now eomma Jin was placing multiple kisses on Taehyung's face, Namjoon hyung starred at them with a little jealousy and crossing his arms. I scoffed at the overprotective hyung.

Namjoon hyung bent down near Jin's ears and whispered something which made Jin Hyung stop and blush tomato red as Namjoon wore a smirk on his face. It was probably something COMPLETELY chessey.

The door opened and the doctor came in with that nurse i met some days ago.

"I see you are awake." Taehyung looked at the doctor and smiled his rectangle smile, "Good. You can be discharged when ever you want."

With that statement the doctor removed all the instruments and let Taehyung change into his normal clothes.

After all that was to do we packed the dolls.

"Let's go!" Taehyung announced pointing to the door.


sorry for the 2 day late update!

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