ending part 3...Probably the last

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Author's a bitch POV

After that abnoxiously loud moan from Jimin, both Jungkook and Taehyung went soft disgusted of what we had hear.

They left the house, sure they were tired and all , but nothing's better than so quality time, though they prefer fucking, with eachother. They both were in the car driving somewhere, Kookie was silent. Tae had no idea where they were going but he could honestly careless anyways.

When the vehicle stopped a good hour later, they were lead to a parking lot shroudded in trees. A couple of small paths leanding into the forset. Kook opened the door for Tae and grabbed his hand causing him to yelp. Kook dragged Tae out of the vehicle and ran down one of the paths. Tae started to realize where they were after the nice smell of salt. And as if to signify that he was right, he was pulled onto the sand facing the water.

"Take off your-"

"Clothes?" Tae interupted, "Oh ma gawd, I'm gonna have beach sex!"

"No!" Kookie said right away. Tae pouted a little toke taking off his shoes, because that was what Kook was doing. He then threw them by a rock and walked across the beach in bare foot with his arms crossed and an over exxagerated pout.

"Wait!" Kook yelled from behind after he got over his delima to that he should have taken the offer to fuck Tae on the beach. He caught up after a quick sprint. Tae turned around with but a small frown on his face and a sassy stance. Jungkook huffing.

"I'm waiting" Taehyung say tappinmg his foot in impateinece.

" I just wanted to say..." he took a breathe in, "That I love You." he said quickly before breaking down into a coughing fit. Struggling to breathe. Taehyung panicked and had no water on him, it was in the vehicle. He ran to the vehicle and back with water in hand.

When Taehyung arrived, Kook was no longer couching, his back facing Taehyung, laying on the floor. Taehyung approched Jungkook slowly calling his name lightly, to which he got no response. He reaches out to Kook and turnes him to face the sky. From the corner of his lips to the sand, blood flowed. Taehyung choked on a sob before bawling, to in shock to do anything.

"How..." and that when he noticed the note in Kook's hand covered in blood.

" Dear Taehyung,

I probably didnt tell you that i won't live long, so i'll bring you to the beach before i die. If i didn't have the chance to tell you than here it goes.

You are the most beautiful man i've ever seen, sure we met through pranks and bets, but I've loved you for a long and happy time. You pranked me good with your brother and made me loss a bet, but it was all worth it beacuse it was with you.

Oh BTW, I died from poisoning. I guess one of the bets i've made got to me...

I hid that from you.

I love you so much, I'll see you in hell i guess.

Love you,


Taehyung was a bawling mess. It went to fast for him to understand anything. He sat there with the letter in his hand and cried on Jungkook.

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