(not update)Omg i actually got tagged!

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I was tagged by KVOOK123

I was tagged by KVOOK123

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1)hell would be the best description?
I just learnt to use MU lab properly and have to get my shit into place to make my music on a new DAWS(digital audio working system.) not easy.😭

2) never had any...

3)well I'd be graduating by now cuz I have the like learning skills? Idk I know my stuff that's it. And I would be skating harder and not thinking to quit now. But I do but after I know if I'm in the article game team.

4) Jungkook and V, not even flinch or known to be brave AF

5)yoonmin/VKOOK I can't pick

6) jungkook and v we have extraordinarily similar personalities it's scary and my friends freak out cuz of it.

7)Red Black Blue white and green (try me) but most fav is red.

8) with Jungkook, Beach at night. It's gorgeous!

9) selfish of music production, never leave my room a lot cuz if that. Don't Luke to listen, hella stubborn. Straight face bitch when I'm bothered from my music. Yah.

10)... Where the last question at?🙃

Ok so...
My questions

1)your bias and why

2)favorite OTP

3)favorite song of BTS

4)which idol you would date and where your first date would be.

5)what grade are you in?

6)if you had a brother that is an idol who would it be?

7)who is you idol parents? Like who would you love as your parents if they are the idols now.

8)your IQ?

9)favorite color and why.

10)your major fan club, like what's your man fandom

I don't know how many so 10?


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