Find You - Ziall

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*older work


He ran through the dark, wandering aimlessly in the pitch dark, not once caring that he couldn't see anything at all. That wasn't important. No, the only thing that mattered was finding him.

He had to find him.

He just had to.

What else was he supposed to do without him?

He needed him.

But at the same time, he didn't want to need him. It was a neverending cycle of hate and love for them. One, that no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't break it. And even if they never said it out loud; they wouldn't want it any other way.

Loving and hating.

Breaking and healing.

Sweet and bitter.

They couldn't get enough of it. Couldn't get enough of each other.



He froze.

"Zayn? Is that you?"

He couldn't speak.

"Zayn, please answer me."

Why couldn't he speak?


He could feel his heartbeat getting faster, his skin getting hotter, his breathing heavier. But he couldn't move or even speak. Oh, how he wanted to speak, to yell out to his lover that he was there; that he would save him and they would both go back home, back where they belonged.

He wanted to feel him, reassure himself that his love was safe and unharmed. He wanted to see him, see his eyes; those eyes that held love only for him, and him only.

"Zayn?..." His lover's voice carried to him; uncertain, scared and losing hope.

Move dammit!

And forward he tumbled, hands spreading out to the sides in order to regain his balance, and once he did; he pushed onwards toward the source of the voice. Or at least, he hoped that was where the voice was coming from, he wasn't certain but he had to make sure, and if not, he would check in every direction he could. It didn't matter that he couldn't see, that he had no idea where he was or what was in the dark; what mattered was saving his lover. Nothing else.


How long has it been?

A few minutes?


An hour?


It certainly felt as if he had been running for an eternity. But Zayn kept on walking, having given up running a while ago in fear he was actually going the wrong way. Now he just aimlessly walked along in the dark, hearing nothing but his labored breathing and his love's desperate voice echoing in his head. He hadn't heard him since the last time he shouted Zayn's name, and that terrified him. His breaths came harder, throat constricting at the thought of his beloved laying somewhere scared or possibly dead.


He shook the thought out of his mind, he couldn't think that way; he wouldn't. Thoughts like that would only cause him to panic and then who would save his lover?

The police might, but he doubted they would find this place; it had taken him months to even figure out where it was, and once he did, he rushed to the location and had not bothered to tell someone. Stupid. How stupid could he have been? An annoyed sigh escaped him, how foolish was he to have just run into this cave and not thought of a plan beforehand? Now, even if Zayn found his lover, they might not make it out.

They'd be stuck there forever.

"Niall, please, say something. Anything, please." Zayn pleaded into the dark, hoping for his love to say his name again, or anything at all, just so he could know he was alive. He needed something to keep him from going insane. "Niall, please."

Moments passed and still nothing, maybe he hadn't been loud enough?

He tried again, this time yelling with as much force as his throat could handle. He pleaded, he bribed, he threatened to hurt him if he didn't respond. Minutes passed him by and still, no response.

Zayn could feel his sanity slipping away. He had been in this cave, this darkness, for far too long and it was taking effect on his mind. It was a miracle he had even lasted this long; however long it was.

He had never been one for dark places, that was Niall.

He had never been one to survive without affection for long, that was Niall.

He had never been one to endure emotional pain for long, that was Niall.

It was always Niall. The one that kept him safe and sane. Had they not met, Zayn would've been six feet under years ago. He needed Niall but despised himself for it. He felt weak and pathetic for needing someone so much.

But he wasn't!

Zayn Malik was not weak and pathetic.

No, he would prove to himself that he was more than that. He would find Niall and keep him safe from anything that tried to harm him. Zayn may need Niall, but Niall needed him too.

Yes, Zayn would save him.

He stood straighter and breathed out. He needed to be calm. He couldn't afford to lose control like that again. Niall needed him right now.

His mind set, Zayn began making his way around the dark, every once in a while calling out his lover's name, and each time the silence mocked him. But he brushed it off, he would find him. And nothing would stand in his way.

Don't worry Niall, I will find you. Even if it kills me.

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