Chapter 6

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"Oh my gosh are you ok?", I say to the figure who's still clutching his/her ankle. "Of course not I believe its broken!", He shouts. Then he looks up and  his face is full of apology. 'Dré? You come here?", I say to the figure who is Dré. "Yeah today is my first day and it sure started with a bang.", He says sarcastically.

 "I'm soo sorry I didn't have an umbrella...", I start rambling. Dré holds up his hand to stop me. " Did you read my note?", He asks. "umm no." His face falls. I start to blush. I help him up and let him lean on me. He was super heavy but to show I wasn't weak, I start pulling him to the office. I drop him off, and he gives me a wink. My stomach flutters. I hold my fingers and wave.

   I head to Ms. Polanski's class two minutes till the next bell was due to ring. "Where's your note Camille?" she asks. "Umm, I don't have one.", I reply. snickers come from the back of the class. I look up and see the pop girls. You've got to be kidding me. Ms.Polanski sighs. "Take a seat Camille." I do.

  The bell rings and I race out to gym. I head to the change room and change to the uniform. I smell cigarettes coming form someone's bag. We're probably going to have a bag search if anyone reports this.

I head out to the gym and wait in our squads. The rest of  gym class went without a hitch.

I was walking toward the cafeteria when Dré catches up to me.

"Sooo how was your day so far.", I ask sarcastically.

"I think you know." he laughs.

"May I sit with you at lunch perhaps?" He asks.

"Umm sure.",i respond.

I peek into the caf. I spot the Pop girls. Just the sight made me gag.

"Do you mind if we eat outside though?", I ask.

"Whatever you'd like."

"Wait have I told you my name?"

"Perhaps but tell me again."


"Nice name"

We head outside and we chat for the whole lunch about total different things. He was the closest I had to a friend right now so I treasured that conversation.


"Well I better get to class. See you at the studio?", Dré asks me.

"Ummm, yeah i'll be there."

We share a smile and part different ways. What a day so far.

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