Toodlez's Day Alone..

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(written in 2017, by an 11 yr old)

written: 20th June 2017

published: 21st June 2017

3rd Person View

Toodlez walked in through the front door.
"Hi KitKat," she said. "I'm back did you miss me?"
"mhm," KitKat wasn't really listening.
"KITKAT!!" Toodlez shouted,  right into KitKat's ear. KitKat fell off the chair.
" TOODLEZ DONT DO THAT!" she shouted back.
Toodlez burst out laughing, "what you doin'?"
"stalking Greg on social medias to make sure he's not cheating on me again." KitKat said casually.
"Yup, what abut you?" KitKat asked. "Did your date go well?"
"Oh the date was great!" Toodlez smiled. "I really like Tom and he's super sweet and kind and I think we could really make it work and-"
Toodlez blabbed on about Tom while KitKat continued to stalk Greg online. She found the fight between Cassie and Dark Wolf had continued onto both Instagram and Twitter, and probably some other social medias that she didn't check.

The fight ended like this ;

       " That's just dumb! It's not like you have anywhere to go anyway! " - Cassie

          " I do actually! I have a very specific place I can go to. " - DW

    " Oh yeah? Where's that? " - Cassie

" Why the hell would I tell you? " - DW

   " Fine be like that but I'll find out " -Cassie

      " Goodluck with that " - DW

KitKat sighed and turned off her phone before putting it in her pocket and hearing Toodlez say, "-but I'm not ready to say ' I love you ' yet and he said it to me already and it's scary!"

"Then don't say you love him."

"ITS NOT THAT SIMPLEEE.." Toodlez whined.

KitKat sighed, "well I'm going to bed.. I need a good nights sleep."

Toodlez agreed, "you've been going to bed really late recently! Imma go to bed soon! Just a bit more Cartoons! :D"

"yeah ok just don't go to bed too late because you'll get super tired in class and need even MORE sugar than usual." KitKat said as she walked up the stairs.



Toodlez walked past KitKat's door to go to bed and heard her talking. She stopped to listen.

"No, shh. Toodlez might be sleeping or trying to sleep and I don't want to wake her just cause I can't sleep."

Toodlez heard a voice at the other end, it sounded like a female voice, saying, "yeah ok but still. That's your sister right? If your identical does that mean she's as pretty as you? (:"

"BAHAHAHAHA" KitKat was laughing. "Trust me I'm not pretty. But toodlez is."

Toodlez smiled and kept walking to her room.

She went to sleep and didn't think anything of it...

| The Next Day |

Toodlez woke up and went downstairs to find KitKat already up and gone.

She went over to get breakfast and found a note that read;

Just left for the concert (:
be back about 9PMish.
see you then :D
KitKat xx

"Wait.. That means I have the house to myself.." Toodlez smirked. "PARTY TIME!"
She called almost every single person on her contacts list and invited them over straight after school. Then they could stay over for the dance tomorrow night.
She sent them all the same text:

hey, party at my house right after school! :•) -toodlez xx

before sending another one saying:

P.S. bring food

P.P.S and stuff for sleeping

P.P.S.S it's a sleepover :D

almost everyone replied straight away.

Toodlez skipped to school looking forward to her party.
She went to the shop first and bought a bunch of decorations. She put them into a bag and continued to school.

Everyone was watching the clock all day through the boring lessons.
No one waited for Mrs. West to let them out! As soon as the clock hit 3:00 and the bell rang they were all out of their chairs and running to get their stuff for the party.

Toodlez went home and decorated.

She couldn't wait for everyone to arrive!

Then she realised something....

Who was KitKat talking to last night..?

Is she cheating on Greg..?

Toodlez and KitKat 3Where stories live. Discover now