
21 7 2

2:56 pm
electracute: we're baaaaaaack

ukurapboy: it's the e n d
o f
s c h o o l

electracute: (:

ukurapboy: where's melanie
did you kill her
i swear if you killed her

electracute: i didn't kill her
how dare you

shot-gunnin: where even are you guys

pastel bby: the swings

shot-gunnin: of course

electracute: it's actually kind of adorable

ukurapboy: aWw

pastel bby: shhh

electracute: you guys should come join us

ukurapboy: but it's so faaaaar

pastel bby: it's outside and a couple feet away from your classroom what

shot-gunnin: c'mon ty let's go

ukurapboy: okay fine
but i'm bringing josh

pops: i'd go but i have another stuco meeting

pastel bby: nooooooooo

pops: yeaaaaaaaaaa

ukurapboy: we're on our wAY

shot-gunnin: speaking of way i found two more lgbtq+ people
i'll add them later
swings are more important

ukurapboy: agreed

electracute: agreed

spookiejim: agreed

shot-gunnin: agreed

pops: agreed

pastel bby: agreed

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