Imagine #8

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You have a solid routine.

Every day during your free period you visit the school library. The reason you do this is because you cannot stand people, and fortunately for you no one that goes to your school actually reads. You walk to the back of the large library, already enjoying the old book smell. Another thing you like about this library is that it gives off an medieval times feel. Everything from the faded oak circulation desk to the musty book shelves, this library gave me the relaxed feeling you needed.

You walked to a shelf near the back that only had a few books placed on it. You run your fingers over the tattered spines of the books, seeing one in particular that caught your eye. You plucked it off the shelf and glanced at the cover before looking up to meet a pair of hazel eyes on the other side of the shelf. You quickly averted your (E/C) eyes, from embarrassment.

You pretended to look through the books until you heard foot steps. You peeked around the edge of shelf, seeing a guy with his hands in his pockets walking away. All you could see was his back but you could tell who it was just from how awkwardly he walked.

Gerard Way, he moved here from New Jersey about a month ago. He sits beside you in biology but he isn't much of a talker so he wasn't an inconvenience, in fact you have developed a slight interest in him. You could tell that he shares your disinterest in other people just from seeing him roll his eyes everytime someone got a question wrong in class.

There is a rumor about him that has spread around school. The rumor is that he's mute, but if they would take their heads out of their ass maybe they could actually see that he does talk. He talks to a kid named Ben Crofton, other than that I've never heard him utter a word to anyone else, not even the teachers.

You sighed and sat down at a desk with books sprawled out across the surface. You opened your book and began to read until the bell rang, signaling the beginning of eighth period.


After school you stepped outside with your umbrella, shivering slightly at the cool rain drops that hit your face. You began to walk the familiar pathway to your house. On the way you always pass a little comic book store. You were half way past the large store windows when you heard people behind you, it sounded like they were pissed. You turned to see a tall guy smirking while he had a fist full of the collar of Gerard's shirt as he pinned him to the wall. Another smaller guy stood beside the tall one, laughing. Gerard was trying his best to shield the comic books he had in his arms with his jacket.

The taller guy sneered, causing Gerard to mumble something. The guy gritted his teeth and gave him a hard shove, making Gerard stumble backwards into a puddle near the curb. The guys started laughing hysterically as if it was the most hilarious thing on earth. Gerard was quickly trying to pick up his wet and ruined comics. The guys walked off as you did something completely out of character. You rushed to help him.

"Are you alright?" You asked, helping him pick up the comics, in response he let out a sad sigh.

"Ugh, yeah...but my comics are ruined..." Gerard sounded extremely upset, maybe even close to tears.

"Sorry, they are fucking jerks." You helped him up and held your umbrella over his head. He gave you a small smile, his black hair damp from rain and his clothes soaked from the puddle.

He clutched the comics to his side, shifting awkwardly. "You've never really talked to me before so I'm not sure if you know my name." You tilted your head.

He blushed lightly "I know your name." He replied, scratching the back of his head.

"Oh, well you want to go get some coffee or something?" You asked, maybe you were asking him out, maybe not, but you weren't really sure yourself. You had to admit though, that Gerard is really attractive and he's actually very sweet.

"Sure." He smiled shyly.

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Gerard Way ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now