Imagine #11

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"Oh you don't have to."

"But I insist." Gerard flashed me a smile before picking up the small red ball.

"To win you have to hit the bullseye pinned on the wall." The bored carny explained. I figured from the way he sounded he had probably said that a lot today.

Gerard's face was set in determination as he cranked back his arm, ready to throw. Gerard threw the ball at the target with as much force as he could summon. The ball smacked against the center of the target only to bounce back off the wall and hit Gerard in the face. I gasped as Gerard let out a loud "Ow!"

"Gerard, are you okay?!" I tried to pry is hands away from his face so I could see the damage. He finally put his hands down, revealing a dark purplish bruise around his right eye.

"Does it look as bad as it felt?" Gerard asked, wincing when he blinked.

I gave him a look of sympathy "You have a black eye, that's for sure..." Gerard laughed

"Wow, I guess I threw it too hard."

I rolled my eyes. The carny handed me the brown stuffed bear that Gerard had vowed to win for me "Congratulations." The carny replied in an unenthusiastic tone.

"I can't believe you got a black eye over a stupid stuffed animal." I turned to Gerard and shook my head with a small smile.

Gerard grinned "But I wanted to win it for you, (Y/N)." I hugged him and gave him a little peck on the cheek

"I love you Gerard."

Gerard Way ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now