Chapter 8 part 1: the long day

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"So, what do you want to do?" You ask frisk.

"Well....could you do me a favor?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"Could you teach me how to swim?"

"Hmmm.. I could try."

"Thank you!!!" She jumps and hugs you.

(20 minutes later)

"Ok, I'm gonna let go now. Ready?"

You let go and papyrus sits up in his chair. She struggles for a few seconds but then she starts to float. You smile.

"I'm floating!! Thank you!"

"No prob-mhm!!"

Frisk had jumped on you and kissed you. Her lips were softer than chara's, and they tasted like...pie? Anyways, it was still nice. You were kissing for awhile and papyrus started clapping. You and frisk break away from each other, looking embarrassed.

"Ah, young love! So beautiful!" Papyrus says as he keeps on clapping. Chara is just sitting on the side of the pond with...envy?....on her face.

"Okay you two, times up! It's my turn!" Chara shouts.

"Okay coming! See you later frisk."

"Bye." She says with a giggle.

Chara x frisk x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now