Chapter 8: Cenere from Meridionale Mountains

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Axel's POV

     I fall speechless at the sight before us. Now don't get me wrong, my friends. I'm not amazed by how tall, beautiful, or wonderful this mountain may be. In fact, I'm not amazed at all. This is me getting weary and hopeless just thinking about climbing this humongous mountain filled with who knows what. I mean, if you look right behind us, you'll see this sign that warns us that we will die if we proceed.

     Yet, our brave captain just waltzes past it, barely giving it a glance. That girl really amazes me. But that's what I like about her. While all my alarm bells are going off in my head, I trust Faye so R.I.P. to me 'cause we're going forward and we're going strong. "Let's go, brother! You're so slow!" Nico frowns as she takes me by the collar and proceeds to drag me up the mountain. "Yeah, yeah. Got it, you can let go now," I say in annoyance.

     When we're at about one-third of the mountain, we unanimously decide to take a break. It was getting dark and everyone except Faye was sweating like a pig. There was a little cave we found so we took shelter.

     "How are you not tired?" Ward asks Faye with a weary expression. Faye makes a confused sound before chuckling in realization, "I am tired. But if you're asking why I'm not in bad shape like you guys then it's because I'm used to this. Before I came to Vale I used to travel around a lot. I wouldn't stay in one place for more than a week and I'd usually travel for days till I picked a town to rest in, or reached a certain place I wanted to visit."

     "Woah.." Nico mumbles. "Our captain sure is something," I smirk before collapsing onto my sleeping bag. "I'll take first watch since I'm the least tired. We're all waking up by five, so two-hour shifts," Faye informs as she climbs up a tree. "I'll go next, cap'n," I shout before sinking into a deep slumber.


     "Hey, it's your turn." I get awakened by the sound of an angel. I open my eyes and smirk at her, "Must have done something right in my life to awaken to a goddess." She blushes slightly at the comment but shakes it off and heads toward her sleeping bag. I chuckle lightly before checking my watch. "EHHH?" I look at Faye with wide eyes. "What?!" she whispers after hushing me, "There are people sleeping!"

     "Yeah yeah, but why did you go over time? It's 1 am! Your shift was supposed to get over by 11 pm! Did I not wake up? I can't believe this! I made a woman do my part! I must be punishe-" *SLAP*

     "Shut up, you're gonna wake everyone up," she whisper-shouts again. "Sorry.." I mumble while rubbing my poor bruised cheek. "It was my choice so it's fine, right? I'm giving Nico a break since she slept late yesterday after drawing out a map for us to follow. In any case, I want to sleep. Good night," she mutters, pulling the covers over herself. I smile at her response. No matter how distant she seemed in the beginning, she's just our overly kind-hearted captain. 

     "'Night, sweetheart."


     "I can't believe we actually made it up here after only eating breakfast!" Ward complains quietly. "Shh. Get down everyone," Faye says seriously as she hides behind some giant rocks. I look ahead to see some weird-looking people and it occurs to me that those are our enemies. I gasp when I feel the slight increase of wind on my neck and immediately draw out Occel Sebro, my weapon, and block the attack.

     "Good reflexes, Axel," Faye compliments. I smirk when I see that she was blocking the attack with me. Of course, she felt it too. My smirk drops when she jumps back along with the others. "I'll leave him to you!" she says as she moves to the other enemies. I chuckle and reply, "As you wish, princess."

     I glare at my opponent and push him back, extending Occel Sebro into its 2nd gear and charging towards him.

     "My name is Gline Ochiana. Care to tell me yours?" he asks in a deep but curiously annoying voice. "Axel," I mumble with a frown. The guy has black hair with blue and green highlights. The top half of his face is covered with a weird red and white mask that barely reveals his eyes.

     His grey scarf sways as the mountain wind fails to stop, and he seems more like a ninja from Naruto the more I observe him

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     His grey scarf sways as the mountain wind fails to stop, and he seems more like a ninja from Naruto the more I observe him. The tone he uses to speak to me shows me how weak he thought I am and I could only get annoyed by that. "Don't underestimate me, bastard!" I charge at him and in no time we are engaged in battle.

     I grunt as he manages to land a kick on my stomach. Yet, I instantly stand up and fight again. I'm not gonna lose. I was put on this mission for a reason. I will not let my team down!

     Occel Sebro shifts into a gun-like weapon when I pull a lever. My five dust types glow for a moment, a motion that informs me that they were all ready to go. I aim at my moving target after adjusting Occel Sebro to its red dust—fire. I glared at him before pulling the trigger. "I never miss my target."

     The bullet cuts through the air at top speed but right before it hit Gline, it abruptly freezes and drops, disappearing into small flames. I stand there bewildered at the sight. What the hell just happened?

     Gline smirks at my reaction, "You see, no matter how good your aim is, your bullets will never touch me. You know why?" I glare at him wondering what his next words would be. "Because you're weak," his cocky smile never leaving his face as he laughed.

     I shake with anger, unable to stand the sight of him anymore. "No one calls me weak," I glower. Running with the fiercest glare I can muster, I bring my sword up to his neck. All the while, he doesn't move an inch. He smirks in amusement like I was a kid who doesn't know better. Just as I'm about to slice through him, a blur of black whips me away. I crash into someone, thankfully not the hard surface of the mountain. Who knows how bad of an injury I would get if I slammed into a rock! That's how strong they hit me. What the hell happened this time?!

     "Ugh..!" I grunt in pain when I try to get up. Great, I twisted my arm. "Get. Off. Me. NOW," is all I hear and scramble to my feet. I look over to see that I fell on Faye and caused her head to bleed. "God, Faye, I'm so sorry!" I panic but she shakes her head and says, "It's fine. What's more important is that" She focuses her attention over to where I was fighting Gline. So did the rest of our team. 

     There, in the midst of the five people we saw earlier is a frightening man. I glance at our captain in question to see that sweat was rolling off her face. Is she scared? Faye? Scared? What the heck?

     "He must be the leader," Faye chokes out, "Is he even human?"


Thanks for reading and waiting patiently! Two weeks of camp but I'll definitely post immediately after that(Hopefully)! Please vote and comment! Thank chu!

Published: 7/12/2017

Edited: 7/24/2017

2nd Edit: 10/6/2017

3rd Edit (cause omg I suck at fight scenes): 7/8/2020

~ Lyragirl11

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