Chapter 9

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"So, what was that all about with Seth earlier?" Roman asked me as he opened a beer handing it to me. We both was in the kitchen as people sat in the front room talking. Dean was already half drunk and we had only been back an hour. "I don't know, you tell me" I replied annoyed. Roman raised an eyebrow as he watched me curiously. I only knew as much as him, well a little more if I was being honest. "He seems to be obsessing over you recently" Roman told me. "What do you mean?" I asked concerned. Was he really that worried about me? "I don't want to upset you but he doesn't like you wearing the more stylish clothes. He is upset about the makeup too. "Is it too much?" I panicked. "No! Of course not. You look stunning, even if it is to impress Dean" He laughed. "It isn't to impress Dean!" I defended unimpressed. "Then what started this? That Sasha girl?" Hit the nail on the head why don't you Ro. "I knew it" He sighed out. "I just wanted a change. I am sick of looking like my mom dresses me" I complained. He was partly right even so. "Your mom does dress you! She buys all your clothes...until now I guess" I was such a loser. That's why I needed to change. I needed the cycle to drop. " and Dean." He stated but it was more like a question. "What about me and Dean?" I asked. "You both are hitting it off. In fact I have never seen you act the way you did with any man like you did today. You gonna date him?" He asked me wriggling his eyebrows at me. I scoffed at his sense of humour. Normally I wouldn't mind but I was embarrassed to have been seen kissing and being kissed by him. "You have a date tomorrow, but will you continue to date him?" Roman pushed leaned on the counter watching me closely. I stared down at my beer bottle. I couldn't shake this nervous embarrassed feeling when he watched me this closely. "I don't know" I shrugged. "I think you would do him some good" What? My eyes shot up to him, completely confused by his statement. Seth was busy saying Dean was no good for me yet Roman said I would be good for Dean. I didn't get what was going on behind the scenes but now I knew maybe Roman had an idea about it. 

"Can I ask you something?" I started. Roman nodded yes as he waited and continued to watch me. "Do Seth and Dean get along?" Roman nodded yes simply. I got the feeling there was more to it than getting along. "So...Seth has no problems with Dean at all?" Suddenly Roman gave me a knowing look as he straightened up. "Is this something to do with Seth being a moan arsed bitch about you? Has he said something to you to make you think this?" I felt two faced doing this but I nodded yes to agree. "Seth loves Dean like his brother, I can tell you that open and honestly. The thing is Seth doesn't agree with some things Dean has done in the past. He also thinks he is bad for the group" Suddenly I felt intrigued and wanted to know more. Roman looked like he felt awkward telling me even the small amount of details he did. "Why? why is he bad for the group?" I pushed. Roman looked behind me at the door as making sure nobody was there before he continued. "Doesn't leave this room?" He asked me sternly. "Secret safe with me" I smirked at him. He paused for a moment as he found the right way to tell me I guess. It didn't take him long even if the rest was brief. "Dean suffers with depression, badly some days. He hasn't had a very good life and it shows in the way he acts sometimes. I brought him into the group thinking it would do him some good. After him and Sasha broke up he just spiralled down and started drinking and taking heavy drugs" I felt a bit saddened for Dean hearing even only that. "So he dated Sasha? Officially?" I asked. "Yeah, then she kept pulling him back and breaking it off again. He never truly cared for her but she was the only one who would give him the time of day. His own family don't give a fuck about him." Roman added. "Did he do something bad?" I asked feeling like I had to know anything I could. "No, it's them that have done this to him. But I don't know how. It's just obvious. Anyway, It took weeks to convince him but he eventually agreed. I didn't think the second hang out would be easy but obviously he could just chill out and relax when he came with us" I nodded remembering that first day I met Dean. It was a good day even though I got injured. 

"He had even quit wrestling after the whole Sasha thing. It wasn't until the day after you guys hung out alone that he suddenly turned back up at the academy. He asked to start up again but this time to work towards going pro. It shocked us all but he takes the wrestling seriously now. He has passed he recent drugs test so he is cleaning himself up. I think it's because of you" Roman told me. I felt a bit shocked to know he had quit and the time frame for him going back did work out for when he slowly seemed almost normal again. Maybe he felt happier having someone take that time for him. I smiled softly at my beer bottle as I thought of how maybe I had already fixed the suicide problem. Maybe I had already changed events. I couldn't take any chances. I had to make sure I followed the letter to double make sure. "What are you guys doing in here?" Courtney asked as she entered the kitchen, Dean following her to grab himself a beer. "Just talking" Roman smirked as I smiled up at Dean as he placed an arm around my shoulder. Courtney smirked as she watched us. "You two getting close ain't ya" She stated. Oh no! She would totally wind us both up about this. "Yeah!" Dean suddenly stated with a smirk before I could just make out we was only friends. "You dating?" She asked briefly eyeing his arm around me as she waited for his answer. I looked at Roman with pleading eyes for help. He knew how Courtney could get. "Courtney! You seen this?" Roman piked in. "One second" She told him keeping her eyes on Dean but then looking at me for my answer. "It's Seth and Chez! I think they are secretly hanging out!" My eyes became wide as I looked at Roman. Why would he lie like that? Courtney quickly turned to Roman as he held up his phone. It seemed to be a text but I couldn't see it from where I was sat. "Oh my god! I knew it! Do you think it's ya know!" She asked Roman in code. What was they talking about?

Never forget.... A Dean Amrbose tragic romance fic. N17 fanficWhere stories live. Discover now