31 • Enemies

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Of course I felt like shit! I was hard core but she made me feel different! I hurt her! I wish she would understand that I was just angry! And that I never meant to say that to her!

On top of that she just said she loved me! And she don't even realize that she said it to me!

She fired me, hell I'd fire me to!

I just want off of this damn plane already!

"Whatever you want Samariya! When I told you I knew your pain it's because I actually fucking did! I was raped for 7 years by different men while in the system! That's why I know how you feeling! I should have never ever said that to you! I am sorry!" I said as she just laid there in the dark

"Just leave me the fuck alone rye!" She screamed

"Okay!" I walked into the bathroom

The jet had a nice bathroom with a shower and everything, I just wanted to clean myself because I was bleeding, I felt dirty! Been on this plane for hours, I'm just ready to go! I just sat in the bathroom on the floor! Just thinking how did I end up like this! Here is this beautiful woman, I seen her actually be, and I ruinin what I had gotten from her again?

I didn't even know I had went to sleep in the floor plane bathroom! Until I was woken up by the plane shaking!

"Ms, Rye we are landing now you have to get to your seat!" The attendant said helping me up

"Alright, and thanks!" I got up and walked out to the seat and buckled up

Sami was already up and just sitting there! She couldn't fucking wake me up! I know she had to see me! I look a fucking mess right now! I feel digusting in my own skin!

And she is just sitting there looking at me! Literally just fucking staring at me! I look away and look back she still looking like wtf!

"..."I changed my mind about speaking

It felt like we was crashing when the plane was landing! I was scared as hell. But I didn't die! Thank God! We got all of our things! And headed to the hotel! It was called The Wellesley London! It was a very nice hotel.

"Welcome to The Wellesley London" the doorman greeted up I looked like a bum, seriously and sami looks clean and fresh

"Good Morning, are we checking in Sami?" The reservations clerk asked

"Yes, I changed plans so it should be just the penthouse suite for one!" Sami said

Did this bitch just say for one?

"Your lucky because the other room you cancelled got booked, we are a full house this weekend" they laughed

"I bet it is!" Sami didn't even acknowledge me

"Well here is your keys, enjoy your stay at The Wellesley London" she smiled and Sami walked off,I tried to follow her

"Hi, Good Morning are we checking in?" She asked me

"Never mind that's okay thanks!" I looked down the hall and Sami was gone

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