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"Sami baby get up already you been sleeping all damn day!" I shook Sami body

"I don't wanna!" She said not moving

"Well it's eight if we going to the party then you need to get ready!" I said standing up

"What if I don't want to go?" She sat up

"Can't I just watch movies with you and we order out?" She asked pulling me down in her lap

"We did that last night! And it's Ryan's and just so happens to be Rylie Birthday also! Come on baby just get up and shower!" I said patting her arm

"RYE ? SAMI?" I hear Jess calling us

"UPSTAIRS! get up Sami please!"I smiled and gave her a kiss

"Hey y'all!"Jess stood in the door way

"Waddup!" Sami said

"Where June?" I asked getting off Sami

"She is downstairs, in the kitchen!" She pointed

"Get out I need to shower!" Sami said pushing us out the room and closing the door

"Lord she still kinda a dick ain't she?" Jess said making me laugh

"And always will be!"

"So you didn't text me back! Was she asking you to marry her or not?" She asked as we walked down the stairs

"She said maybe one day but she was asking right now! She was just making a statement!"

"Oh well, then many y'all should wait!" She said

"Yeah, no rush!" I said

"Waddup rye!" June was sitting in the living room eating a slice of pizza

"Wassup Juneau! How you doing!" I sat next to her

"Hell I'm good! How about y'all?" She asked point from me and my pussy

"June you forever nasty nigga!" I laughed and walked away

I mean if you want me to ask her myself ion mind!" She yelled

"Shut up fool!" I yelled back

We all got ready and just waited for Sami slow ass. It was now ten pm and Sami just now ready! We hoped in our cars and went to the hall where they was having the party at.

We got there and they said small party and it was like 90 fucking people there! Music blasting food and dinks being served!

"Finally y'all are here!" Keke said to us

"Yeah yeah, where's the liquor at! Aye girl!" June said following some server

"Lord, I'mma go with her!" Sami said

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