36 • Truth

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Today was a good day! Even though rye was late as fuck we didn't fight finally she's seeing it my way! We had a good look lunch. I hate seeing shay ass, around!

Getting out of my thoughts, Im making my way back up to the office even though I already went all the way home, showered and had on my shorts a my sports bra!

"You coming to the bar tonight in that?" Keke asked

"Nigga no ain't you supped to be working it's midnight I know it's packed in there!" I responded

"Yeah, but they good! What you doing here?" She asked me

"I forgot the security tape, and some papers on my desk!" I showed her the tapes in my hand

"Yeah, so look Rylie and Ryan said something happened to rye you know the other day when y'all came back, that she was attacked something like that!" I was shook

"Wait what? When we came back?" I was confused as fuck

"Yes, she was attacked here they said!" I stopped in my tracks

"What the fuck you mean here?" I turned to her

"That's what they was saying I'm not sure man!" Keke looked just as confused as me

"Man, go back to work I'll get to it!" I walked off to my office to get my papers

She fucking fucking attacked here! Why didn't she say shit! Why would she not tell me this shit! No wonder she was walking all slow and shit! Damn man! What bitch ass nigga would attack a woman, man in my hotel though!

I unlocked my office door, and went in trying to find the light, over by rye desk! I tried on something

"Ahhh" she let out a sad groan, I cut the light on

"Rye, what..Hold up why are you down there? And why did you tell me that some nigga attacked you here the other day?" I helped her up

"Are you on your period?" I asked her

"No?" She looked back at her butt and it was blood  all over her  butt

"Oh, god" she just started crying, I dropped everything I had in my hands and hugged her

"What's wrong, rye!" I just held her, she kept crying

"Please don't shut me out right now, I forgave you already okay rye, just let me know what's wrong!" I wiped her tears

"I feel like this is karma, for what said to you!" She cried

"Don't say that, let's just go, get you cleaned up, and all that okay!" I picked her up bridal style and left the tapes and papers on the floor

I carried her out, because I didn't have no extra pants she could out on, and I didn't want no one seeing with this blood on her. I don't even know how she bleeding! I made sure to lock my office, and we mad our way to my car

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