27 | Tyler Brown

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Y/n's P.O.V.

I sat on my couch watching my favorite show, Shameless, when I heard my front door open. Tyler then runs into the living room and throws a magazine on the table.

"I knew you were cheating on me!" he shouts, and points at the cover of the magazine. At one corner, there was a picture of me and my best friend, Simon, and the writing read, "Is Y/n Cheating On Tyler?"

"What are you talking about?" I ask, knowing that Tyler knew Simon was only my friend. "He's my friend, Tyler!"

"Leave you slut!" Tyler yells.

"Okay," I simply reply.

I'm used to this. Every other night, Tyler would come home, and accuse me of cheating.

I walked up the house stairs, and packed a bag of my clothes. I then heard footsteps storming up the stairs.

"Y/n, please don't leave," Tyler cries. "I was wrong."

"Bye, Tyler," I push past him, and run to my car, driving to Simon's house to crash for the night.

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