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"Abigail Bay!" I immediately woke up. I noticed Ms. Fat lady in front of my desk.

"Yes?" I said weakly.

"Excuse me, but, you missed the bell and all of French class." She said while handing me a detention slip.

"You have detention today for 2 hours after school. Lucky you! I've got detention duty. Come right over here after school. Now hurry up and get to your next class. You can thank me later." Ms. Clark said.

I gather all my stuff and head out the door. Off to PE we go! Yay....(not really). Then I remember Jacob! Oh, and the mall tonight! Dang It!

I walk through the PE doors and headed to the girls locker room. I quickly changed into my athletic shorts and my PE shirt. As I walk out, I saw Jacob being crowded by the popular boys. As I get closer, I realized they were spitting on him and calling him names I'm not supposed to repeat.

I head over there and yell, "GET OFF OF HIM. WHAT THE HECK DID HE DO TO YOU?"

All the boys turned to me and stared.

"What? You got a problem?" I notice Chad said.

"Yeah. He's new here at least give him a chance. I know Mr. Smithson doesnt care about what happens in gym glass, but, I do. Jacob is a really nice guy. Please leave him alone." I said while glaring at all of them.

"Yeah, whatever. We don't even want your boyfriend anyway." Chad said.

They all walk away laughing at him.

"Thanks, Abby." Jacob said and gives me a sweet small smile.

"C'mon, let's just sit on the bleachers. I've got something to tell you." I said while walking to the bleachers.

"I fell asleep during French class and got a two hour detention after school." I said with a sad look.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I don't know what to do about that." Jacob said.

"Wait! I've got an idea." Jacob said.

Jacob gets up off the bleachers.

"Stay there." Jacob said.

And off he goes.

He goes into the boys locker room.

And comes out with....

Chad's underwear. You may ask how I know that....but everyone knows Chad's underwear. ALL of his underwear say 'PROP. OF CHAD WILSON' on the butt.

Jacob then goes up to Chad and said,"You looking for this?"

"How did you get those?!?!" Chad said with anger.

"Oh. I found them outside the girls' locker room on the way to the boys' locker room. I didn't know you lend them to your 'girlfriends'." Jacob said with a smirk.

"That's it..." Chad said. He then hurried up to Mr. Smithson.

"Mr. Smithson, The new kid stole my underwear from my locker and says that he's keeping them." Chad said with a oh-my-gosh-im-gonna-cry look.

"Oh, I'm sorry Chad. I'll deal with him." Mr.Smithson said.

Mr.Smithson goes up to Jacob.

"Excuse me, but, I heard you are being a problem to poor innocent Chad here." He said and points to Chad.

Yeah, poor and innocent Chad...

"So, what's your name?" Mr. Smithson said.

"Jacob Anderson, sir." Jacob said with a smile.

"Well, here you go, a detention slip for two hours after school with Ms.Clark." Mr. Smithson said.

"Thank you. " Jacob said while throwing Chad his underwear. Then, walks back to me on the bleachers.

"Wow, Jacob." I said in amusement.

"Yeah. I figured since you saved me from Chad and the other boys, I will be there for you in detention." Jacob said.

"Thanks." I said.

I reach over and hug him.

"Thanks, and I mean it. You are the best friend-boy I've ever had." I said while I release him.


"I guess we gotta head to art." I said.

After art class:

"I'm going to message my besties and tell them we're in detention." I said.

I pull out my phone and message all of them.

Once I was done, I hurried to my locker with Jacob trailing behind me. I put all of my stuff in my locker.

Then, we went to Jacob's locker so he could put all of his stuff in his locker.

We are now on are way to detention. Yay.....

When we walked in the classroom, Ms. Clark was at her desk. There were about 6 other students in the room scattered around in the desks. I took a seat in the back. Jacob sat right next to me.

"Here are the rules you bums.
1) no phones/electronics
2) no talking
3) no moving around the room
4) you can go to the bathroom when it is restroom break time
5) you have a restroom break every 30 minutes
6) follow all rules or else you are going to have another detention for every rule you break.
That's all and I mean it." Ms. Clark said.

I sat there doing nothing. I tried focusing on my math homework but I couldn't.

Ms.Clark is reading a magazine about how to get abs for men. I think she only wants the magazine to look at the shirtless men. Like, she is practically drooling.

Jacob and I are giving casual stares at each other.


This is going to last forever.

2 hours later...

"We survived." I said to Jacob as I was headed to my locker.

"Yeah, and we did it together." He said with a smile.

"You know what? You are the nicest guy I've ever met." I said.

"Aww thanks." He said while he blushed.


"I'm glad you suffered with me." I said.

"I had to. You saved me. It was the least I could do." He said.

I opened up my locker and checked my phone. They all agreed on doing mall shopping tomorrow.

"Oh, and by the way, you are going to the mall with us tomorrow after school." I said.

"Dangit." He said.

I grabbed everything I needed from my locker and closed it. Jacob and I headed to his locker.

He grabbed everything he needed. And shut his locker.

"Hey. Um, Abby?" Jacob said.

"Yes?" I said.

"Can I have your phone number?" Jacob said.


See you later alligators,
Jenna Bear

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