Open world

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They guided me outside the sun hit my skin on my legs it started to burn so bad I collapsed right there on the side walk . they picked me up and took me to the police car an officer was sitting in the car " Take her to the hospital for a check the orphanage should be there waiting.  " I sat in the backseat and watched the street fly by .

*at the hospital*
The officer gets out and walks me inside to the check in table "Staging check  the summer side orphanage should be here do you know if they have arrived yet ? " the receptionist looked at her computer "Yes staging for Her is back to room 7 Summer side called too they said after the staging to take her to the orphanage " "OK will do.  " we walked back to room 7 and sat down I climbed onto to the bed the police officer sits down "My name is Adam by the way " I look at him "I -I -I'm? Uhhh" I sit there thinking what is my name "your name is? " "Uhh I umm uh I don't know my name " He looks up "No seriously though what's your name? " I look at him "I don't know my name " The doctor walks in "Hello im Dr. Anderson I'll be taking care of you.  " I smile alittle but not really "what's your name sweetheart " I look at the officer "well um , she doesn't know her name " I look back at the doctor "sweetheart what do you mean you don't know your name " I look down "Nobody ever told me my name today was the first time I have ever been out of that room I only know my age that's because my sister told me " "sweetheart how old are you " I look at her "im 15 " I seen the tears form in her eyes "how did you learn your words and things " I look at her "my sister taught me when dad wasnt home. " "Honey im so sorry you had to go,through this. " I look around trying not to cry "Honey we will,have to do some X-rays and a test to see if you were sexually assaulted in anyway. Do you want a male doctor " as soon as she said male I had a sharp pain in my stomach that made me jerk forward "honey what's wrong " suddenly I felt my feet legs slowly up,to my waist then to the rest of my body go numb and all I know is that I was shacking and it all went black.

Police officers POV (Adam)
"Do you want a male doctor" as soon as she said male the girl jerked forward holding her stomach I looked at her feet they were shacking then,her legs and on,up to,her whole body her eyes rolled in,the back,of her head "What's happening !" "She's in a seizure hold down,her side so,she can fall" I hold her down she just keeps shacking the doctor leaves and comes back with 4 nurses they bring a stretch and lay her on,it they strap her down and rush her in the surgery room....
While she's in i called into the station and reported what happened . then I called the orphanage and reported what happened .

Joe's POV

*RING RING *RING RING* "Hello" "Hi this is sharoll from summerside orphanage is peter Wentz home? " "uh yea hold on " I put the phone down,and go to Pete's room and knocked on,the door "hey bud orphanage is on the phone wants to talk to ya " he burst through the door and ran to the phone.

Pete's POV

"Hello " "Hi peter this is sharoll I just got a called about a child about 15 if your interested . " Patrick walks in "Patrick they found a 15 year old child you interested " He shook his head yes "yea were interested what time do we pick them up " "well peter here is the thing she is in the hospital " "why?" "Because she went,in for an evidence evaluation and she went into a seizure they don't know why officer Rogers said as soon as the doctor said male doctor she slept into it.?!" "hmm where is she " "*sigh* Ohio she's in Mary rutan hospital if you want we can send a worker over and meet you there ." "okay we will leave in the morning and go get her if she is discharged by then. " "okay thank,you " "Mmhm Bye".

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