The pick up

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Pete's pov
"Patrick come we have to go to Ohio " "Okay " I grab the keys and we drive to the airport we walk,inside and give the keys to the flight director "Tickets please" I had her 2 tickets with our passports we go through the scanning booth cleared and we went to our seats .

"Attention passengers we are getting ready for take off please fasen your seat belts . "

*7 Hours later *

*Thump* "we have landed " I get up and get Patrick's attention he follows behind me we get off the plane and see the driver with our car infront of the airport we give him a tip and we drive through Columbus and to bellefountaine .

*At Mary rutan *
We park the car out in the visitors parking lot across from the hospital we go,inside then walk up to the lady at the desk "Hi we are here to see a young lady that came in a day or two ago officer Adams brought her in" "You are Peter and Patrick ?" "yes" "Room 303" "Thank you" we walk back to room 303 and see an officer outside her room we went to walk,in but he wouldn't letlady  "Excuse us" "im sorry no visitors are allowed " "its okay the orphanage called us we are here to adopt her ." "Oh okay " he let us pass we walk inside and see the orphanage adviser standing there "Hi you must be Pete and Patrick" I smile "yes we are "

The child's POV
"You must be Pete and Patrick ?" "Yes we are " I open my eyes and sit up i see a lady and two men standing in-front of of the bed I'm in "Oh your awake . Feeling any better?" i shrug a little "what am i doing still in the hospital ?" i ask the lady "well sweetie the doctor asked you which doctor you wanted for xrays and you went into a seizure ? they wanted to make sure everything was okay " ...

Patrick's POV

*Knock * *knock*
"Hi Im here to give her her aspirin the doctor will be in a few minutes to let you know when she will be discharged. " i thanked her and she walked over to give her some aspirin then walks out i look at Sharron and Pete then to the kid.

*Few minutes pass*

*Knock* *knock *
The doctor walks in and pulls us out into the hall "Well whats the news doc" " well she can go" "OK but what made her have those seizures " "oh it was the lights in the hall " "okay " we walked back into the room and told the lady she smiled  "okay then I'll go get the adoption papers and let you guys bond a little ", she walked out Pete and I walk over to the girl she smiled a little but barely "Hi sweetie my name is Pete and this is Patrick we are your new parents " I looked at her and seen all the bruises on her and the sudden change in her face "M-my new parents ?" I nod "Yes you will be coming home with us and live with us " she smiles when I said home "What's your name sweetie " she had a puzzled look on her face for a minute " Um I don't know my name " I looked at Pete " well we can see if we can chose a name for you " I walk out to the doctor "Hey doc would there be anyway that since the girl in 303 doesn't know her name if we can chose one for her and make it her legal name . " He thought for a minute " I don't see why not. " I walk back in the room "Doc says he doesn't see why not " Pete smiled "There you go do you wanna chose or us to . ?" She smiled a little " You " pointing at me "Me ?" She nodded "Hmm "I thought for a minute . "How about Scarlett" Pete shock his head "No too basic " "Annibelle" " no too creepy "Hmm what about Marissa" Pete smiled "Marissa . hmm I like it . what about a middle name " I thought of a good middle name "Hm how about Rachelle ,Marissa Rachelle then which ever last name there is for us " he smiled "I like that what do you think ", Pete turns to the girl she smiles " I like it " the lady comes back with the discharge papers and the adoption papers Pete signed the adoption papers and I signed the discharge papers . the nurse brought her cloths that she came in with I seen how dirty and bloody they were . I looked at Pete "Go out to the car and in the trunk there Is some of Andy's cloths back there bring a tshirt and a pair of shorts . or something " Pete walks out she stands up and I realize she about as tall as me . the doctor walks in "Well Patrick this is  Marissa Rachelle Wentz " I smile then Pete walks in with a pair of black and blue basketball shorts and a blue mania tour shirt the doctor checked them and we stepped out so she could change she stepped out and we walked out to the car I seen joes sneakers in the front I handed them to her "Here sweets put them on till we get home " She slips them on "We have to go to Columbus then fly 6 hours to California" She heard fly and her eyes got big "What did I say something wrong "

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