Messy Joe

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After getting all the water sucked up from the first episode of Messy Bro Joe I went to go find Marissa she wasn't inside I walked outside and she is was sitting in the backseat of the car with the door open . I walk over to her "Sweetie you can come in I want you to meet the guys they will love you . " she got up and slowly walked in with me "Guys I want you to meet Marissa she's my new daughter. " *in unison * "Hi" she waved shyly "Not a big talker huh? " she nodded a little . and hugged my side . even tho she is 15 she has a mindset of a 5 year old. Its adorable you can tell she hasn't been around people or in school period she doesn't know very many big words . fuck she didn't want even know her name . I took Marissa up to her room and showed her around the house I put Marissa's room between My room and Patrick's room then there is the bathroom Andy's then joes . I know one of the guys are going to try to get with her so I'm just going to warn her before it gets to far in . I walk her around little bit more "sweetie just warning you one of the guys might try to get with you . if they do say no ."She just nods.

She goes to her room and layed down alittle. I go down and sit with the guys.

Andy sits there next to Joe looking like a love sick puppy I look at him "Andy get that look off your face nobody in this house is going after her she is 15 she needs someone her age I know alot of kids her age " Andy sat there straight faced .

Marissas pov
I lay there and think to myself and memories come flooding in .

(Flash back)
"Shut up and do as I say then you won't get hurt " slapping me around tightening the chains every time I didn't listen my hands turning blue and purple .

Being thrown wall to wall beaten limb to limb screamed at every second of your life its kinda depressing i could feel myself being hit and beaten . i felt the same way i did when i was there i felt like death its self. ,/.

Patrick's POV
I think,to myself I should go check on marissa I walk up stairs to see her  laying there sleeping but she was sweating while,she was asleep I walk over and lay me hand on her head to see if she was sick or anything. She didn't have a fever , I went to wake her up and but she wasn't budging she started moving her legs like she was running or kicking someone or something I went downstairs and got Pete we ran back upstairs to her he shook her trying to wake her up but she was out I layed my hand on her stomach and she jerked right up and awake she was sweating so bad she was pale I moved her hair that was sticking to her face "You okay sweetie " She shook her head yes I took her downstairs to see that joe and Andy went to bed I look at the time it was all ready 9:57 pm I asked Pete if he wanted me to go get some food so Marissa can eat something he said just to go to McDonald's I got the keys to the Jeep and went into town to McDonald's ...

*At McDonald's *
"Hi can I take your order "
"Yes can I get 3 mcchickens 2 chicken wraps  2 cheese burgers 1 strawberry smoothie and 2 banana smoothies please "
"Is that all "
"Yes "
"That will be 21.82 at the 1st window" I drove to the 1st window and paid the cashier then drove to the 2nd window and waited a few minutes (felt More like days ) finally they opened the window and handed my a bag with the food and a cup holder with 3 smoothies . I thanked them and drove home.

Petes pov
Marissa And I are just waiting patiently for Patrick to get home she gets up and goes to the kitchen to get a drink of water . When she gets back she sits down and crisscrosses her legs and starts humming to the sound of a nursery rhyme song . I asked her "What are you humming ?" She replied with "It is a song my dad used to hum to me in the basement after he was done with me . He would hum it as he was getting his cloths back on . I can't get it out of my mind " she continues humming it but i seen a look of pain and sadness in her eyes i've never seen that look in someone before its kinda sad ....

Soon Patrick pulls up into the drive way and comes inside . Marissa's expression instantly changed as soon as she seen Patrick He walked over to the living area and sat the food and drinks on the table He gave Marissa a chicken wrap and a cheeseburger and her smoothie . we sat there and ate our food soon Joe and Andy came down the stairs " Where is our food ? " Patrick looked back and said nervously " SHIT !!! I thought you guys were out at the bar tonight . " Andy was salty " Its cool Joe and I will go out and get something you guys stay here and get to know Marissa a little more have some bonding time . " Andy grabs the keys to the hummer and they left . I asked Marissa what she was thinking about before Patrick walked in she looked at me " Uhh It was nothing important just thinking about back at my dads house and where everyone is ... "

Marissa's POV

I sat there not realizing that i was staring at the coffee table " Marissa ? ? " I snapped out of my daze " Uh yea . " " You Okay ?" i nodded yea i sat there and ate my food then went to my room i layed there on my bed after shutting the door and turning off the lights i layed there and thought how am i even still here why didn't he kill me when he had the chance ? I close my eyes and slowly drifted into a daze.

@ 2:49 AM

I felt like someone was stairing at me i opened my eyes and looked at the doorway and nobody was there then looked at the balcony nobody was there ... i got out of bed and went to the bathroom and washed my face . then went downstairs and turned on the light and sat down on couch i started thinking about my mom and dad along with my sisters i thought of my mom with her long wavy red hair with her greenish brown eyes then there is my dad with brown hair and blue eyes me and my sister have brown hair and brown eyes but My oldest sister has Brownish blonde hair and blue eyes . It's been a long road for all of us but some how I'm the only one who got hit like I did the other two got whatever they wanted they never got threw down to the sidewalk or locked up with chains they just got yelled at then sent to their room they never got their virginity taken by their own father ... I heard someone walking down the stairs making me snap out of my train of thought . It was Andy I smile as he sat down "You okay it's 2 in the morning " I nodded yea "I'm fine just thinking I couldn't sleep i have a lot on my mind . " he smiled "wanna talk about it " I shook my head no it was too hard for me . "Okay well you should get back to bed soon Patrick and Pete are taking you to get cloths after breakfast " I nodded "where are you going " he smiled as he was heading for the door "I'm going for a run I always go from our house to Walmart " Walmart is in the next county that's a long run " well be careful "

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2018 ⏰

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