#3 Twin pt. 2

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"He goes, I go."

"(y/n) you don't mean that. It's fine, I'll go." Jughead pushed past you and Archie.

You walked to him as Archie just stared at you, "No Juggie, he's not going to treat you like this. He kicks you out he might as well be kicking me out as well."

Archie looked at you and sighed, "fine then, go. Good luck explaining this one to Dad." You were heartbroken at what your brother had just said, but you figured if it was this easy to kick his best friend out then how hard could kicking his twin sister out be?

"Alright Jug, I'll be out in a minute. Let me get a few things," you tried to hide the tears in your eyes as you brushed past Archie and into your bedroom. You heard Jughead walk downstairs, leaving Archie standing outside your doorway. You could feel Archie walk away, you were hoping maybe he would say something to you, but he didn't.

Once you had gathered your things you walked downstairs but right before you stepped completely off the stairs you could hear Jughead and Archie talking , or rather, arguing. 

"How could you?! She's my sister! You've known her since kindergarten, I trusted you Jug." You could hear Archie say.

Jughead fired back, "Archie what are you so scared of? I would never hurt her, you of all people should know that!"

Archie sighed, "Jug (y/n) can't take another heart break. Reggie broke her, if you do the same I'm not sure she'll ever be the same." Archie had a good reason to be worried, Reggie had hurt you. He told you that he loved you, that you two would be together forever. And then he went and and leaked those photos, ones that shouldn't even have existed. He left you with a broken heart and a lifetime of embarrassment. 

"I'd never do that so her." Jug said through his teeth.

"You say that now," Archie spat at him.

Jug took a deep breath, "do you honestly think I could hurt (y/n) like that? I-I love her, I couldn't do that to her." You smiled, you and Jug had never told each other that you loved one another. You knew you did, you just could never find the right moment to tell him. The fact that he had just told your brother that he loved you made you turn bright pink.

"Honestly Jughead, I don't know what you're capable of anymore."

"Oh," you could hear Jug's sarcastic smile in his voice, "and what's that supposed to mean? You mean you don't trust me because my Dad confessed to murdering Jason? I thought you said you thought he was innocent."

"Well now I don't know what to think," how could Archie say this? Fp was innocent!

"Alright Archie, I see how it is," you could hear him begin to walk to the door which was right in front of you. You scrambled to make it look like you had just arrived at the stairs and hadn't been listening the whole time. But then, the footsteps stopped.

"You know, you'd think years of friendship would be able to prevent something like this, but I guess not," you could hear the heartache in Jughead's voice.

"Huh, guess not," Archie bitterly chuckled.

You walked down the rest of the stairs to reveal yourself. "Alright Jug, come on," you took his arm and walked out of the door, not even bothering to say goodbye to Archie.

Once you were outside you turned to Jughead, "you know you didn't have to do that. I'll be okay on my own, I always am." He said to you and added a halfhearted smile at the end.

"No way, we're in this together. And plus, my brother will realize he's being a dick and a few days and we'll be fine. Also, I heard what you said," his eyes widened.

"What did you hear?" He asked slightly suspiciously with a small smile on his face.

"I love you," you smiled up at him.

"Oh, yeah, that, sorry I didn't tell you to your face, I just-"

You stood on your tip toes and kissed him, "no it's okay, I love you too."

He smiled at you like an idiot and the two of you began walking.

"So where to?" You asked him.

"I was thinking my Dad's trailer, you know with him being in jail and all, guess it's mine for now. Is that alright with you?" He turned to you slightly.

"Yeah," you grinned, "perfect."

Teenage Dream (Jughead Jones Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now