#4. Betty

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You were sitting in a booth at your favorite place in town, Pop's diner, with your best friends Archie and Veronica. The three of you were talking about Archie's music career and how he had recently been working with Josie and the Pussy Cats.

"So, you and Val?" You asked Archie, he turned bright pink at the mention of her name.

"We've uh, you know, kissed a few times," he smiled at the two of you. 

You could tell V was a bit hurt but she hid it well, "Good job Archiekins, Val's a sweet girl." Just as V said that, you heard the bell ring, signifying that someone else had come in. You looked up to see Betty and Jughead walking hand in hand. Your heart skipped a beat. Where they together? 

"Hey guys! Mind if we join?" Betty asked cheerfully. Since V was already sitting next to Archie, they sat down next to you.

"No of course not! So B, are you two together now?" Veronica leaned in closer with her signature smile.

You've had a thing for Jughead for years now, Betty was the only one you ever told. But now here she was, with Jughead. She either forgot all about what you told her, which was very unlikely, didn't care that you liked Jughead, or was doing it to make you jealous. 

"Well uh...Juggie?" She looked up at him with her beautiful blue eyes. Who would pick you over Betty anyways?

"Yeah, I guess we kinda are," Jughead answered, turning red as he did so.

Veronica and Archie congratulated them as you just sort of halfheartedly said 'yay.' They ordered a round of milkshakes, everyone seemed so happy, everyone except you. Betty and Jug couldn't seem to stop kissing, it got to a point where you just couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this," you grabbed your purse, tears streaming down your face, and pushed past the happy couple so you could leave.

You got outside, it was snowing and Archie was your ride but you didn't care. But just as you started walking, you heard someone calling your name. 

"(y/n)! Wait (y/n)!" You turned around to see Jughead running after you.

"What was all that about?" He asked you, stepping so close you could feel the warmth of his body in the frigid snow.

"I'm sorry Jug, but I can't pretend like everything's alright anymore, you and Betty tipped the scale. I have to go," you started to walk away but Jughead grabbed your arm and held you in place.

He looked into your eyes, you could see the concern in his, "(y/n) what do you mean? What's wrong, please tell me."

"It's just," the tears started up again, "I've been in love with you for so long, and I actually thought maybe we had a chance, but you with Betty- I'm sorry I just can't." You yanked your arm out of his hand and started to walk away. You didn't hear any footsteps so you assumed Jughead didn't care to go after you. But about 30 seconds later you him running to you.

"(y/n)! Come back! Please!" He called out but you began to walk faster.

The sound of your name being called out slowly faded out that farther you got. You didn't care what he had to say. He was obviously happy with Betty and if that's what it took for Jughead to be happy, then so be it.

Once you were home you ran upstairs and laid on your bed, thinking about all the fun times you and Jughead had had. Like the time the two of you tried to run away when you were seven but got busted by the old lady down the street who always had cookies and kept her cat in a sweater. Or when you and him built his tree house and tried to live in it. You were the only girl he allowed in, Betty wasn't even allowed. It had always been you and Jughead, sure you hung out with Archie and Betty too but you and Jug always had something special.

The tapping on your window snapped you out of you apparently very long trance, as it was almost dark now.

You walked to the window and saw Jughead balancing on a ladder and smiling up at you. You helped him open the window, "hey there, Juliet," he grinned at you.

"Hey," you smiled awkwardly at him. He then began to climb through your window in which you just kinda looked at him like he was crazy. He hand't done anything like this since the two of you were in the seventh grade.

"Hey, so uh, you're in love with me?" He smirked.

You turned pink and whispered,"Yeah," then he cupped your face with his hands and pulled you in for a kiss. You were a bit shocked as it took you a few second to respond, but the second you kissed back, you could feel him smile.

"Well I'm in love with you too," he whispered, still cupping your face.

"B-but Betty? She-"

He chuckled lightly and shook his head, "we're not actually dating. I told her I liked you and she came up with this plan. I don't like Betty like that, I like you."

You responded by standing on your tip toes and kissing him again, tangling your fingers in his pitch black hair. 

"I love you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2017 ⏰

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