But, for me, this is a more realistic ending. Now, I'm not trying to get all deep here & stuff, but as someone who has suffered through mental illness and addiction (self harm more so than pills, that type of stuff) a hospital does not magically cure someone. Neither does medication. It takes time, and love, and even then sometimes it doesn't work. Sometimes the person is just so lost in their own thoughts and their own pain that they can't see the brightness and decide to end their own lives. I'm sure some of you have been there sometimes, I can say I have definitely been there more than once. I mean, those of you that know Troye know that he doesn't abuse pills or he isn't actively suicidal or anything like that, but I just wanted to kind of put my own thoughts and my own pain into this character in the story, so I could get out & grieve without being made fun of. A lot of stuff has happened while I've been writing this story, (that's why it takes so long between chapters most of the time). I got beat up by my family & I got kicked out, and now I'm living with my grandparents, and it's very different than my old house: better, but different. And I got dumped while I was writing the last three chapters. But yeah, not throwing a pity party or anything. I just wanted to let you guys know.
I hope you've enjoyed the series & I hope you're not too mad at me for the way I decided to end this story.
Just remember, if you are struggling with addiction or anything, family trouble, love trouble, anything at all, I am here to talk. I have been through it all, and I'm a good listener. I love you guys, stay safe. ❤️