They Found Out

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~Aarons POV~
I ask people their orders, and hand them to Kawaii~Chan. I do this over and over till our shifts are done. I start to head out the door, but Kawaii~Chan stops me. "Aaron~Kun! Did you get Aphmau~Senpai pregnant?!" She asks with enthusiasm. "What?! When did you hear that?!" I say. "I know you did! Aphmau~Senpai is having trouble walking and it's obvious! Zane~Kun is helping her get to her car right now!" She replies. I look out one of the windows, and of course, see Zane helping Aph to the car. "Kawaii~Chan's ship!!!!!!!" Kawaii~Chan squeals. I sigh and go outside and head to the car. I say thanks to Zane for helping Aph, and start driving towards our house. We arrive there, and I help Aph to the doorstep. I open the door with my keys and step in. Cabinets and drawers are open. I set Aph on the couch, and head up the stairs. I hear talking coming from upstairs. It's coming from our bedroom. I hear a little of the conversation. "They didn't!" One voice says. "Then why's their bedsheets and pillows off and in the washer?!" Another says. I go to the door, and open it. Garroth and Laurence are standing in our room. "What are you guys doing here?!" I ask in frustration. "W-we were just-" Garroth starts. "You two had sex, didn't you?!" Laurence interrupts. My face goes red. "Where'd you get that from?!" I say angry. "It's obvious! Aphmau can't walk well, the bedsheets are being washed, You two blush whenever your eyes meet, and you aren't talking to each other!" Garroth spits out. "I knew you two couldn't live in the same house together! Just divorce her already! We know you only love her for her parts! She doesn't love you!" Laurence yells. "Laurence.. that's too far." Garroth says. I start to cry. Why? Why'd he have to remind me of that time? I kept having nightmares of it. Of her words. "No friends to help you. You never spent time making friends!" "The only reason I talked to you, was because I felt sorry for you!" "I wish I had never, met you!" "You never made me happy!" "I NEVER loved you!" I hated those times. I felt like I was forgotten. "Hey, Laurence.. I think we should stop.." Garroth says. "No! He's taken her away from me for the finale time! Just you wait Aaron! I will take away something you love!" Laurence says as he leaves the room, shoving me. "Sorry.." Garroth says as he leaves aswell. Take away something j love from me?.. No. Not again. I won't let them take her! I run downstairs and see Aph still on the couch. I sigh and wash my face in the bathroom. I carry Aph upstairs. We changed into our pajamas, and go to sleep.

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