Old Friends

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~Aarons POV~
Me and Aph wake up from a long night. We dress up and head to work. Zane asks if Aphmau's okay today. I say yes. I head to the staff room to put on my Cat ear clip~ons since today is Cat ear day at the Café. I take people's orders, and notice a group of girls come in. One of them looks familiar. "And then, he started hanging out with this loser freshman." I overhear her say. "I never knew why. Back then I was only toying with him. Now I think I have feelings for him." She continues. "But Michi loves him too. You can't take what Michi wants from her." Another girl says. The name Michi kind of sounds familiar as well. I just continue back to work, but I can't hear them anymore, not that it matters. Instead I hear heels walking fast, and getting louder. As if they working coming towards me. They stop, and I look up. It's Lily. "Hey, Aaron! Ling time no see! Wait, you're werewolf?" She says staring at my ears. "Uhh, yea." I say back. "Anyway, are you free tonight? I would love to spend time with you and catch up!" She says grabbing a hold of my arm. "Umm, I~I.." I stutter. "Hey, Aaron how's it going with those orders-" Aphmau says walking over here. She sees Lily holding my arm, and she tightens the hold. I break free of her grasp. "Why were you holding Aaron like that?" Aph asks coldly. "Why? Got a problem with me holding him?" She says teasingly, just like the way she did back in high school. "Yes, I do actually. Aaron so happens to be, my, boyfriend." Aph says in triumph. "What? What do you mean he's your 'boyfriend'?" Lily and Michi say in unison. "Listen hear, you good for nothing bitch. Aaron is mine." Lily says staring Aphmau down. People around us start to stare. Lily scoffs. "Let's go Aaron. Just leave this dumbass potato to rot." Michi and the other girl laugh. Lily tries to kiss me but I dodge her and she ends up kissing my cheek instead. Aphmau must have been way too furious to know what she was doing. She jump on Lily and started to attack her. Michi and the other girl started to jump on Aph. I yell for them to stop but they don't. "You man stealer, life ruiner stuck up bitch! Don't ever touch Aaron!" Aph yells. I try to pull them apart with the help of Garroth and Gene, but it doesn't work. The police arrive. I guess one of the customers called the police. They pulled the girls apart. "Officer! That girl just attacked me for no apparent reason! She's berserk!" Lily says pleadingly. "She's lying! She~she touched Aaron in a way I wouldn't allow! She even tried to kiss him!" Aph says in anger. I've never seen her like this. She's so angry. Part of me is worried about what will happen. The other part is glad I'm not the one she's angry at right now. "We'll put you guys on trial. What you say will be counted against you." An officer says. "Any witnesses will come to court as well."

We're sitting in chairs, all of us. Aph, Lily, Michi, and the other girl are sitting in separate seats up front. We say all the things that happen. "I saw the pale lady say some fowl things to her." said one on looker. "I saw the tan lady attack first, then the other girls join in and fought her." A little boy says. "Lily started the whole scene. She got Aph really worked up on her last nerve, and she just got bad tempered." Zane says pleadingly. After two hours of information being said, The judge finally silences us. He walks over to a room, and comes back an hour later. "Aphmau, Lily, Michi, and Skylar. I have your results saying if you are guilty of assault or not."

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