When The News Spreads

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~Aphmau's POV~
I wake up, feeling better than yesterday. I get up, and head downstairs. Aaron's already making breakfast for us. "Morning sweetheart!.." He says. "S-sweetheart?" I say embarrassed. "Yea, sweetheart! Remember, we're married now. So I wanted to try a new name for you!" He says. "Oh yeah, s-sugar muffin?" I say in even more embarrassment. Aaron laughs. "Sugar muffin? You haven't called me a sweet name in a while.." He says happily. "Well I wanted to bring it back!" I say back. "Okay then, sugar puff." He says still laughing. I blush. "Ahem, anyway. Aaron. I heard some yelling coming from upstairs last night.. did something happen?.." I ask him worried. He looks like I just reminded him, cause his eyes go a little wide. "A-aaron, it's okay to not tell me-" I start. "Garroth and Laurence had snuck into our house while we we're at work. And Laurence snapped at me and said he'll take away something dear to me. Something or someone I love.." Aaron says, his voice tone sounding very upset. I claspe my hands around my mouth and gasp. "He's going to take you away from me. Or our child.."

I run towards Laurence and Garroth's house, and knock on the door violently when I get there. I told Aaron to sit down and eat breakfast alone for a little bit while I head over. Zane answers the door. "Yes?.." He says. "Where is Laurence?" I say, more violently then I mean it to be. "Upstairs?.." Zane replies confused. I push through him and run upstairs to his room. I burst open the door, bit he isn't there. I start trying to think of where he is, but can't get a lead. I tell Zane he's not upstairs but he says he told him that he was going to be upstairs. I call him and ask Him where he is. He says he's at home. That's a lie.
"No you're not"~A

"Yes I am.."~L

"No you're not!"~A

"Prove it."~L

"I'm in your house, and your nowhere in here."~A


He hangs up. I suspect something. Is he planning on taking me away? All of these thoughts go rushing through my head. I try to ignore the thoughts, and walk back to Me and Aaron's house. I tell him that Laurence wasn't home, and that Laurence had hung up on me, even though he never would if I called. We both decided that he may just be busy, and there's nothing to worry about. But I felt so worried inside...

Sorry it was short!! My sister was watching youtube and I couldn't think straight of what to write😂😂😂😂

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