Cuddle Time (fluff?)

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(warning: very sexy and steamy)
This was strange, everyone was around and about except Shiro, I looked everywhere for him and im starting to get antsy about it.

I looked everywhere in every room except his room, it was a little obvious. I walk towards his bedroom door. Before I could even knock, the door open and someone grabbed me and dragged me into the room.

This someone started to kiss me lustfully. They let go of me and I fall back, I try to see the person but the room was dimly lit, but one thing caught my attention, a piece of white hair, Shiro.

Shiro pulls me back up and I can see him more clearly, and now I wish I didn't. He wasent wearing a shirt...or pants, just boxers. My face goes red, I've seen him shirtless before, well sometimes when he's training but I try to keep my distance from him just so I dont freak out.

I try to move away, but Shiro's grip is too strong. "Shiro, please, let me go." I told him but he didnt budge. "Oh (Y/N)~ I've been so lonely in here." Shiro said huskily in my ear, sending chills down my spine. What is with him? he's mostly more gentle, why is he so, lustful. "Shiro! What the hell is wrong with you!" I shouted and finally broke out of his grasps. Shiro was shocked by the sudden turn.

"(Y/N) I'm sorry, I-I don't know whats been going on with me," Shiro finally spoke, "its just that everything has been moving so quickly in this relationship. We had are first kiss then the date, everything is happening so fast so today I just took a break." He looked so down in the dumps, I never thought about it. After his little lecture, I got an idea to make him happy.

I get close to him and move my arm around his neck and whisper in his ear. "Maybe we can both relax...together~" I hear a smile forming on his face.

(old fashion time skip)

It was going pretty well, are little cuddle shesh was relaxing. Even though I was feeling anxious about shirtless Shiro, he was so...warm. I was convinced by Shiro to take off my shirt and pants, I was very uncomfortable about it but got used to it. That warm aura was back and I felt protected.

After a while of lounging around in Shiro's bed, something felt weird in my lower region, which made me blush, no wonder he wanted me so bad, this gave me another idea, making me form a smirk on my face.

I stand up straight a position myself on Shiro's crotch, I heard a small grunt from him. He tried to open his eyes, but he fell back asleep. All according to plan. I begin to rub myself on Shiro, and it felt so good.

Shiro was beginning to breathe heavily turning red, so I moved my hands up and down his scarred body as he kept moaning for more, now for phase 2 for of the plan. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

With a little bit of regret, I take off my panties and rubbed harder on him which made me moan too.

My humping became faster and even harder making us both moaning at the pleasure. It wasn't long until Shiro was tossing and turning.

"Oh~(Y/N)." Shiro moaned. His voice was like a breath, making me feel tingling inside. He kept moaning my name as I kept humping. Until, Shiro shot up, eyes full of lust. We both stare at each others eyes.

Shiro snaked his robotic hand around my back and pulled me back down. "That's enough excitement for the both of us for the day." He said sleepily. I felt like I needed more from him, I whined a little and then slowly fell asleep.

Extended Ending:
"Hey, Keith," Pidge tapped on his shoulder, "do  you have any idea where Shiro and (Y/N) are?" Keith shaked his head but pointed at Shiro's bedroom door. "They're probably in there, I heard groaning noises so be careful." Keith warned Pidge as Pidge walked closer to the door.

The door open and two sleeping figures were there: Shiro and (Y/N)...half-naked.

Pidge's face was turning red. All she did was closed the door for them to continue sleeping.

(A/N: HOLY MOLY why are there so many words in this one, dear god.)

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