Night (lemon)

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(A/N: thank you MC-Nura for the request, this might be difficult but i can do this. yes this is also a lemon, you've been warned. Also also, this is before Shiro's Kerberos mission.)
(Also ALSO also, you'll be having a friend who will be referred to as 'they'. keyword: friend's name=(F/N))

(Y/N)'s P.O.V
I love Shiro, we are best friends but im scared he's going to reject me, but he wouldn't do that to me he's too nice.

My friend, (F/N), was here too, I asked them to help me build up courage but so far they've been no help at all and just made kissing noises. I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror: my (h/l) hair was tangled, I was wearing a baggy clothes, and it looks like I haven't slept in years. (F/N) puts there hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry (Y/N)," they started out while standing on my bed, "heres the plan, you give him a text saying to come over your house, once he arrives go up to him.

They paused. "Walk up to him and say, Oh Shiro~, you make my womanhood tremble." They proceed to moan and make kissing noises. I look back at the mirror and took a deep breath, then pulled out my phone and began to text Shiro.

(Y/N): Shiro, wanna come over to my house and have dinner, if you dont mind that is, maybe sleep over if thats ok with you.

I sended the text and went to my closet to fins something nice to wear. "You know if you actual do it with him, that dress is going to be dirty." (F/N) said, so I through a shoe at them and picked out something Shiro might like:

" (F/N) said, so I through a shoe at them and picked out something Shiro might like:

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(dont ask why you have this)
I show the dress to (F/N). "Do you think he's going to like this?" (F/N) takes a moment examining the dress. "Of course...if it was a high school dance." I hit (F/N) with another shoe. He's going to like this.

(old fashion time skip)

So the plan was simple: When Shiro arrives, I'll tell him how I truly feel. I had (F/N) leave so I wont get pressured and if (F/N) can predict the future, I dont want them to see Shiro and I in that position.

My face turns red when the door opens and Shiro walks inside in his normal clothes. I walk up to him had he becomes shocked. "(Y/N), you never told me to wear anything formal." He laughs nervously. I take a deep breath and put my hands on his shoulders.

I breathe again. "Shiro, I have something I want to do with you." His face becomes pink at how I sounded. Without a warning, I kiss him on the cheek and pull back quickly. I turn around embarrassed, til Shiro turned me around to face him.

"You missed." With that, Shiro planted his lips on me. I struggled a little until I felt like I was in a trance, like he casted a spell on me. He pulls me up by my waist and I latched on to his hips. He walked into my room...and locked the door.

(🍋Lemon Warning🍋)

He pushed me down on the bed and passionately kissed me, he kept biting my lower lip but I denied him. Shiro smirked and groped my boob, I gasped and his tongue slid right in. I never thought that Shiro was this...bold, I like it.

Shiro pulls up and removes his shirt and throws it in one of the corners of the room. He comes back done and kisses my neck, looking for my sweet spot. When he did find it, I moaned softly and he smiled.

"I dont want to ruin that dress," Shiro said softly, "get up, take it off." He gives me room to get off the bed, I unzip the dress with my back facing him, taking off the dress sexy. I turn around and see that his bulge was growing. I giggled softly and climbed on top of him.

He looked in shock, I unpinned my bra and through it across the room. Shiro stared at my chest, I blushed a little and covered my chest with my arm. He pinned me back down on the bed, pulling my arms away

"I like you like this." Shiro said, licking his lips. His mouth attaches to my nipple and I start moaning uncontrollably. I was never touched before so I never knew I would feel so much pleasure.

Shiro looks down at me. "So, are you," he took a short gulp, "ready for this?" I take moment to breathe, and nodded. Shiro sighed and took off both his pants and his boxers.

I turn my head, not wanting to see his...ahem...sausage. Shiro saw this and held my hand. "I know you're nervous, I am too, just if anything bad happens, squeeze my hand." J nod and intertwine my fingers with his.

He took off my panties and position himself to enter my womanhood. He moves slowly into me, I let out a small moan of pleasure. He stops halfway to squeeze my hand, knowing that he's ready to continue. I smile and he pushes the rest of him.

He pumps in and out of me, each thrust my moans become louder. Shiro hits a sweet spot, I couldn't contain all this pleasure he was giving me. He keeps hitting the sweet spot until a cry out. My seed spills out and he pulls out.

I look up at him; his face beating red and he was breathing heavily. he falls onto the bed and pulls me into a cuddle. He kisses my forehead and pulls the covers over us. Then I heard him whisper to me. "I love you (Y/N)."

Extended Ending:
"Hey (Y/N), how's it...going?" (F/N) enters
(Y/N)'s house. As they were wandering around the house until they saw that (Y/N)'s bedroom door was locked. (F/N) lock picks the door (dont question it) and opens the door quietly.

(F/N) sees (Y/N) and Shiro...naked...and cuddling together in bed. (F/N) stared, with a bit of a nosebleed, and quietly closed the door.

(A/N: holy crap that was long, I accidentally hit publish when I was halfway finished with the end so sorry. Also, THANK YOU FOR 100 votes)

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