Chapter 2

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Annie POV
"Jake broke his leg??" I'm in shock at why Jake didn't come pick me up.
"Nah, he just needed to film something and I wanted to be the first to see you!"
*at the team 10 house*
"YO GUYS I'M BACKKKK!!" I scream into the team 10 house.
"Annie!" Tessa screams as we run to each other.

TP POV( A/N: third person which is no one btw)

Everyone started to go to the entrance to see Annie. All but four people, that stayed at the top of the stairs.Two boys and two girls. Annie didn't know who they were, but she decided to ignore them.

Tessa POV

I screamed as I saw Annie come in. She's like my best friend that I have been dying to be roommates with.
"I missed you so much you don't even know Annie!" I told her. Everyone came down except for the two pairs of lovebirds. More like selfishbirds. I notice Annie looking at them for a little. I had to tell her about them before she goes to talk to them. Ugh, I hated how ever since Emilio and Sasha dated that Emilio wasn't like himself. Same with Ivan ever since he started to date Diana. Sasha and Diana live in the team 10 house and threatened to kill me if I talked to Emilio or Ivan. That's why I was super excited to see Annie. I wouldn't be the only girl that wasn't all up in a Martinez twin.
"Come with me to our room Annie!" I say as I take her to the stairs.

Annie POV
"What about my luggage?" I said.
"I got u little sis." Logan said as he came In.
"Thanks bro!" I turn around and run up the stairs with Tessa. The two boys at the top looked like twins and so did the two girls. They all gave me this stare that made me feel... strange.
Tessa and I went to her room.
"Here's your part of the closet" she said.
"Why do I need my own space in here? We'll end up sharing everything!" I laugh.
"Here's your luggage," Logan said. "Now see you later my sis!"
"You too!" I go and hug him.
Out of the corner on my eye I see one of the boys looking at me. Once Logan left and all the others did too, Tessa told me she'd go get us sushi for dinner.
"I'll come with you!" I say, hoping she doesn't leave my with the two boys and two girls.
"You just unpack girl!" She laughs and leaves out the door.
Great. Stuck. Completely stuck.
I go into our room and start unpacking. Hopefully they don't bother me.
"Babe, I need to go talk to that new
girl! She seems super nice!"
I can tell that by that voice whichever girl was talking, she's lying.
"Same. I want to meet her too!" the other girl says. Then there's silence.
"Okay then, just don't get hurt by her. We don't even know who she is." Two boys say.
"Okay bye!"
I hear my door open.
"oh hi!" I say to them.
"Don't take our men. Or else We will get so much revenge you'll want to kill yourself" the two girls say in a low voice.
"look I won't," I say. " and can I just learn your names?"
"Not until you tell us why you're here."
"I'm Jakes little sister ok? And now tell me your names please."
"the name's Sasha and Diana" they say.
"And don't mess with Emilio or Ivan. And don't even talk to them."
They walk off and I think about what they said. I do like the two boys, a lot. But I knew it was wrong.
"Annie I'm back!" I hear Tessa say.
"oh, hey!" I ran down. Tessa and I ate our sushi and then we decided to go to sleep. While we were going upstairs, I saw the two boys.
"Hey Emi and Ivan" Tessa says.
"Back off" they say.
"I was just saying hi" Tessa mumbles.
"Well you know Sasha and Diana got hurt by you Tessa." one says in a harsh voice. I saw Tessa tearing up. I remember how Tessa told me that they were her best friends until they came.
"Just leave her alone. She just said hi, and that's all." I say. I regret saying that after I remember the talk I had with Sasha and Diana.
I see them peeking out and flaring at me. Looks like they heard.
"cmon Tessa" we go into our room.
"Let's just text. It's easier because then they won't hear us and I won't be that emotional." Tessa whispers.
T: ok so I don't know if I like the twins like a crush, but I know that they were my best friends at least. I don't want to lose them. Oh and I didn't say anything bad about Sasha and Diana but I talked to the twins so they lied.
A: they threatened me when you went to go eat sushi that if I talked to the two boys that I would--
I stopped. I didn't want to tell her that they were gonna get so much revenge that I would want to kill myself.
T:would what?
A: Get revenge from them.
T:Just ignore it. Let's go to sleep.
A: oh and tessa
A: I know this is messed up but I like the twins not personality but looks.
I looked over at Tessa and she already went to sleep.
Suddenly I heard the door to the house open.
I hadn't seen him since a few years ago!
"Jake!" I loudly whisper since it was 11:00 pm.
"My little ant!" He says back, but quietly. Jake calls me his ant because I am small and any and Annie both start with a.
I ran down to him and hugged him. When I let go I saw one of the twins coming down the stairs. I went over to the couch since it was awkward that we just fought his brother. I knew it wasnt the one fighting because he was wearing the blue hoodie, not the white one.
The boy whispered something into Jake's ear. I try to ignore them but I can't.
"Annie," Jake says as her comes to sit next to me. He always says Annie when he knows something is wrong.
"Why did you tell at Emilio?" I look over at the other guy. Must be Ivan I thought. Then I realized today was going to be in the list for worst day in team 10 house' and I wish it wasn't.
"I'd rather not talk." I say.
Ivan can over and sat down next to me.
"sorry about today. I saw how much this was messing us up and I dumped Diana." he said.
"Why? You didn't have to." I say back.
"What's going on?" Jake asked. Ivan told him the whole story of what happened. While he was in the middle of talking, I see Sasha and Diana looking at us from the stairs. I suddenly have the urge to throw up.
"I'll be right back" I say heading to the bathroom.
I go and lay on the bathroom floor. Then I hear two people walking over. I could tell it was Sasha and Diana.
"just leave me alone." I say.
"no. Not ever" they say as they close the door. They start hitting my stomach and bloods starts to come out of my mouth. Diana kicks me in the neck. I started to get really dizzy and then all I remember was Sasha and Diana leaving. Then everything turned black.

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