Chapter 3

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Annie's POV

I wake up in a hospital room with Jake, Ivan, and Tessa beside me.
"Annie!" they all say. I try to say hi but some part of me just can't.
"Annie, you are mute. We don't know how long you will be mute but we will let you have this to talk." the nurse says to me. She hands me a whiteboard, an expo marker and the eraser.
"Please tell us what happened" Ivan says.
Then I write:
Nothing happened. I just didn't feel good I guess. I went to the bathroom then I started to throw up blood. I got dizzy then everything went black.
I didn't want to tell them the truth. I knew all it would do is get me in more drama.
Jake drove us home and we all went to bed. Ivan was about to go and sleep on the couch when I showed him what I wrote.
You go and sleep on my bed in my room. I sleep on the couch all the time, I know how to get comfy. Please go.
"Okay" Ivan says as he heads upstairs.
I start to get comfy when I hear two people coming down the stairs. Emilio and Sasha.
I act like I'm asleep but it looks like that didn't help me at all.
"YOU NEVER COME NEAR MY BABY EVER AGAIN. I KNOW WHAT YOU DID TO HER AND YOU WILL NEVER COME NEAR US AGAIN ANNIE" Emilio yells at me. I look over at Sasha and she is grinning. I wanted to say something so bad, but when I tried to speak I couldn't.
All of the sudden, everyone comes running downstairs. Great. Chance, Anthony, Nick, Chad, Tristan, Kade, Jake, Tessa, Ivan, Erika, and...
I haven't seen aj in years. I was going to go and say hi and talk to him but then reality came back. I couldn't talk and Emilio just yelled at me.
Ivan and Emilio started to talk in Spanish. Soon, Ivan started to calm down. I started to sweat a lot. I don't know why.
Ivan brought everyone over to the office. They said just wait to me. I was the only one there, Emilio and Sasha went to. Then I realized that Diana never came down. She must've been apart of this.
Soon everyone came out of the office
"Everyone just leave," Jake said.
"Why would you do that?" Jake quietly yelled at me.
I couldn't deal with it anymore. Everyone believed Emilio. More like Sasha.
I started to run out of the house. Jake didnt even come to get me.
"Just don't come back inside and it will make everything better!" Jake yelled at me.
When I was running out I went through the kitchen to get to the backyard. Why? Because I remembered that Jake threw away a broken glass vase into the trash can. I got one good piece of glass thenI ran out to the front and started to run. No one came for me. Not even my own brother. I ran and ran as fast as I could, with the shard of glass in my hand, making little cuts on my skin.
I finally got to the top of a mountain. My favorite place to go to. I looked at my phone and it was 3:32 am.


After Ivan told me what Annie did to Sasha, we
All came out and make told everyone to go away. I stayed because I knew this wasnt going to be good. I wasnt that gullible. I knew Sasha was lying. Annie and I have been best friends for the longest time.
Once I heard their conversation, I waited for Jake to go back to his room. Then I went sprinting across the room to the backyard. I looked around and then looked at the trash can. It was opened, then I thought about the broken glass I saw when I was throwing away some trash. That's why she went though the backyard I thought. I realized that I would never catch up to Annie. I sprinted anyways because I
knew where she'd go. To her favorite place.

Annie's POV

I started to cut myself on my arm. I also brought a hoodie just in case. I started to regret ever coming to team 10 and just everything in my life. I started to cry,  but then I realized that it was a faint cry. I was getting my voice back! But it didn't matter anyways. I was just going to die anyways.

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