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Gerard looked out the window of his room as he waited for Mikey's car to pull up in the driveway, his body giddy and jumping with excitement while his hand held the get well soon card he made for his mom in the hospital. Today was Sunday, which not only meant both he and Mikey were off work today, but it also was the day Mikey comes to visit his brother in the Rainbow House group home. Every Sunday, Mikey would visit Gerard and take him out somewhere, usually to dinner and a movie if anything good was playing. Earlier last week, they talked on the phone about their plans to go out to dinner and see mom in the hospital, who's been battling lung cancer for a year and a half now. Mikey warned Gerard of their mom's rapidly deteriorating condition as of lately, but Gerard was confident that Donna would pull through. She was one hell of a fighter, and Gerard knew that the doctors were doing all they can to take care of his sick mother. He knew she won't die anyway; people only die in the movies.

Gerard's eyes lit up as he saw Mikey's shiny and fancy-looking black car pull up in the front driveway. He smiled ear to ear, running out of his room and down the stairs to the front door. He swung it open and ran right to Mikey before he could walk up the front porch to the door.

"M-mikey!" Gerard exclaimed, wrapping his arms around his brother, who nearly fell over from being almost knocked over as Gerard hugged him. He accepted it, hugging him back.

"Hey, buddy. How are you?"

"I'm g-good!" Gerard replied, letting go of Mikey. He held up the card he made with crudely drawn hearts drawn all over it and "get well soon" written in chicken-scratch handwriting. "I m-made th-this for m-mommy!"

"That's nice, Gee. Hang on to that so you can give it to her when we see her. You ready to go?"

"Y-yeah! I g-gotta get m-my c-coat, b-be right b-back, Mikey!" Gerard said, walking back into the house to the coat closet near the kitchen. As he did, he saw a furry pink figure emerge out of the corner of his eye. He knew who it was, and smiled.

"H-hi, Lola!" Gerard waved as he opened up the closet door. He couldn't help but look concerned for his friend. She didn't look too happy.

"Gerard, something bad is gonna happen," Lola said somberly.

"Wh-what? Wh-why?" Gerard frowned, turning to her and forgetting to look for his coat. "Wh-what do y-you mean?"

"It's your mother. She...she isn't gonna make it. She's gonna die," Lola replied reluctantly. "I'm sorry,"

"N-no! Y-you're lying! M-mommy isn't g-gonna d-die!" Gerard revolted angrily. "P-people only d-die on t-t.v!"

" don't understand," Lola sighed. "The doctors have been struggling to keep her alive. She's getting weaker. She doesn't have much time left to--"

"Sh-shut up, L-lola! Y-you're a big f-fat l-liar!" Gerard spat, grabbing his coat and walking away from Lola. He went back outside to Mikey, putting on his black jacket.

"You okay, Gee?" Mikey asked, his brow furrowed at his brother. "You took a while in there,"

"S-sorry, it t-took me a wh-while to f-find my c-coat," Gerard replied, lying. He took long because he was talking to Lola, but he knew Mikey hated it when he brought her up. He didn't know why, though.

"Alright. Come on, get in," Mikey said, opening up the passenger seat for Gerard. He got inside and fastened his seatbelt. Mikey then got in and turned on the engine, pulling out of the driveway and playing some Morrissey from the radio. He knew Gerard liked to listen to him a lot before what tragically happened to him all those years ago, changing him into a completely different person. He knew that even though Gerard is still damaged, he was happy for him. He's come a long way from where he started more than a decade ago, being hooked up to a series of machines and bed-bound, not remembering nearly anything. He smiled bittersweetly. "Hey, Gee...can I tell you something?"

Big Baby (Sequel to Cry Baby) (Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now