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The two girls should have died when I killed them three days ago, but they didn't. You can't kill something in a dream that easily, they'll keep coming back, each time even worse than the last.

Two nights ago I dreamt that two girls, Nicole and Jessica to be specific, were slowly inching me to the edge of a cliff calling my bad names that I'd rather not say.

But last night, they were throwing rocks at me, stoning me to death perhaps, whilst everyone in my school watched.

Even my dad was there, even though he left me when I was 11 I still knew how he looked like, at least, at the time he left me.

But I ended up waking up, all sweaty and breathing heavily just like every night, at almost the same time every time, 3 am.

I don't know why my body chose to wake me up at this time, but it does and there's nothing I can do about it, no matter how hard I try.

I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed. Today was the second to the last day of school, all I have to do is survive two more whole days.

I took a deep breath and stood up, shivering when my feet hit the cold ground, and I immediately made a desision, I'm going to have my floor carpeted.

Deciding I would tell my mom later, when she wasn't asleep, I walked over to my bathroom, and looked at myself in the mirror.

I smiled to myself and started playing with my face, moving my cheeks around, and making silly faces.

I sigh and shake my head, I turn on the shower and pick out clothes while waiting for the water to warm.

I felt the water, checking the temperature. I don't like my water too warm or else I'll take forever to shower, ( and I'd rather not become a raisin ) and I can't have my shower too cold or else I'll end up not taking a proper shower.

Once my shower got to the perfect temperature, warm but on the cooler side, I stripped off and stepped into the shower, washing my hair, shaving my legs, and brushing my teeth. I have this weird habit of brushing my teeth in the shower, cause if I don't I wont be able to find any time to brush my teeth.

I got out of the shower and dried my hair with the towel and put it up in a bun, I put my clothes on and blow dried my hair. I slipped my flats on and grabbed my school bag. Singing to myself I go down stairs and into our kitchen, I put my bag on one of the stools and hug my mom.

"You seem in a good mood today, I'm guessing it has something to do with the end of school nearing?" my mom said while cooking eggs.

"Yup, I'm going to surprise everyone next year." I said grabbing an apple from our fruit dish and biting into it.

My mom just looked at me and smiled. I felt a brush against my leg, it was my baby, Coco. No, she's not really my baby, she's my pet dog, but I love her like as if she really is my baby.

"With what? How are you going to surprise everyone Ari?" She was sliding the eggs off the plate, and gave it to me, I put Coco down and grabbed a fork from the drawer and ate my eggs quickly, I had to get to school quickly, I still had to add finishing touches to my solar system. Mars isn't red enough yet.

"It's a secret-I'm gonna surprise you too-"

She pointed a fork at me, "Don't talk with your mouth full."

I shove the last of my eggs in my mouth and grab my bag, I kissed my mom on the cheek and gave Coco a little pet ad went out the door and set of on foot to school.

I have to get to school early because the paint takes so long to dry and I'm already over the due date for the project.

I walk in the school and go straight to my locker, and grab my art materials. I walk down the hall and go up two flights of stairs and make it to the hallway the art room is in.

"Nice idea dude! This will get her so pissed!" That came from the art room, oh shit don't tell me someone is gonna mess up my solar system.

I walk through the door and see four spawns of satan, their backs towards me and their fronts towards right where I put my solar system.

They're laughing and giggling like little school girls. Them laughing in front of my work- I'm no detective but.... this doesn't look good.

I step forward and push them aside, taking a look at what they were laughing at.

I'm right, they're laughing at my solar system, and they've completely destroyed it. Saturn isn't supposed to be green, why is Pluto in the middle of the solar system? Of all the colors why did they make earth brown? Why is Jupiter so sparkly? why- wait a minute, I never-they trashed my work! My mouth falls open, as I drop my materials to the ground. All my hard work-wasted, every single dollar I've spent trying to at least make my work look decent, gone.

"Hey don't worry, we made it look better, think of it as a favor from us."

I can't even look at them, or anyone. I cover my face and run out of the room, heading down to the main floor, I run out of the school and walk down the sidewalk, I'm gonna skip today and tomorrow. They won't see me much -hopefully - over the summer so I'm guessing they're being extra mean to me today, and probably even worse tomorrow.

This is all just an early start of a new me, I get an extra two days, and two days is a long time.


Yes I know this is long overdue.

It's pretty hard writing a story nobody reads, but oh well, I'll keep writing for the sake of the fulfillment I feel inside me.

This is basically all for now.

Until next time...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2014 ⏰

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