Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

I don't know how long the chapters will be now, during the training, probably a little short, but when she returns, I promise they will be long again! I apologize for any grammar errors that I have made! R&R!

Disclaimer: Slowpoke, oh Slowpoke. Would you just please, just share Fairy Tail with me? Yeah, káo, not gonna happen :/

At the field, Dragon Realm~

Lucy's P.O.V

I gathered my magic between the palms of my two hands and made a kind of circle with my hands. A bright, silver glow erupted between my hands and continued growing in size. When it filled the whole circle, I pulled my two hands separate and let the magic expand. I looked at the flower not too far away from me. "Mau'Te Rongo Tarakona's Kurupae! (Peace Dragon's Beam!)" I yelled and the magic I had kept in between my hands shot out and hit the rock straight on, leaving a clear hole through it.

The last long weeks I had gotten used to my Dragon form and if you asked me, I was getting really good at using my Peace magic, considering I had only had it for such a short period of time. Metallicana had made sure I could fly just as well as he could, or was trying to anyway, I was starting to really get the hang of it, but it was still clear I wasn't as experienced as the rest of the Dragons.

But it was nice at night, I never had to feel cold and I could freely be as close to Acnologia as I wished, without him fearing for my life. I honestly couldn't find any better way to spend my nights.

"Okay, Lucy, I think it's enough for now." Alodiculis said with a smile and a soft voice. I nodded and looked up at him. I had gotten used to the thought of him being my 'father', it wasn't so hard really, he was much more considerate and nice than the actual one was.

I waved goodbye to him, after giving his snout a hug, and fell to my butt on the ground. Loke had some business in the Celestial World, and Metallicana had other things he needed to see to today too, so I had decided I would see if there were any Spirits that could be called in the inner Celestial Realm of mine.

Just a few days ago, I had opened Lyra's Gate in there. Her music could now do what I wanted it to, meaning I could hypnotize people with it, if that was what I wanted, I could make them completely calm or I could make them feel physical pain. It was a cool addition to my Spirit's already fantastic music.

I had entered the realm of my mind so many times I could do it in my sleep. So of course, I shortly after stood in front of the bright, blinding star. I looked at the silver Fairy Tail logo, it wasn't shining as bright as my Celestial magic star, but comparing it to when I had discovered it, it was radiating light.

I smiled and went into the Celestial star. My smile widened when I didn't just pass through like I usually did when there was nothing for me to achieve there. As usual, the meteorite danced across the night sky, forming a fine symbol. It didn't take me long to recognize it as Aquarius'. I widened my eyes. I thought it went after strength of the Celestial Spirits, so why was Aquarius the first to be picked now? She was one of the strongest of my Zodiacs, and would be crazy if she could just control her temper.

Her Gold key appeared out of nowhere and landed in my hands. It felt a little warm in a very comforting way. I looked up at the stars. "Uhm, excuse me? Why was Aquarius picked first? I thought it went after strength of the Spirits?" I asked them hesitantly.

That is true, but only for your Silver keys, your Gold keys will appear in the same order you got them in your world. The stars chimed lightly.

I gaped a little, before realizing I was doing it and closed my mouth. So the next one would be Cancer and then Taurus? - That was the order I made a contract with them in.

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