Chapter Two

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//Olive's POV\\

After breakfast I helped clean the dishes. Once I was done I headed into the living room. Everyone was already there.
"What's the big news Miss P?" Claire asked excitedly.
I smiled at how energetic she was being for it being the morning. And I can say most of us peculiars aren't morning people.
"Well, tomorrow a new peculiar is coming to visit!" Miss P. exclaimed.
Everyone gasped and the little ones started jumping around. We were all excited for a new visitor. Except for Enoch. Well, he never gets excited for visitors to be honest.
We all went on with our days. When it got to alone time with Enoch I got excited. We recently started working on a new little project. We're, well, he is making dolls to represent each of us peculiars here at the home. I got to his room and knocked on the door. He opened it and let me come inside. We got straight to work. I wanted to talk with him, but I didn't want him to lose his concentration. I figured I would talk to him when we finished.
Once we finished making a Hugh doll I realized something.
"Yes, dea-Olive?"
Wait. Did he just almost call me dear?
I feel like my heart has grown five million times. I'm freaking out.
"Olive? You okay?"
"What?" He snapped me out of my daydream type thing.
"You were going to say something?" He asked.
"Oh yes! Enoch, how are we going to make a doll to represent Millard?" I asked him.
"Oh crap, I didn't think of that," he let out a slight chuckle,"we'll figure it out when it comes to the time."
Did he just say we'll figure it out? He actually referred to me and him working together. Well, I mean I do help him with his creations, and people do say we're a team, but I never thought he saw us that way. I always thought he did all the work and I was the assistant.
"Olive, you okay? You zoned out again." He asked with a quiet but soft voice.
"Oh, umm yes I'm fine."
Well, kind of fine. Enoch O'Connor is actually showing concern for me! Does that mean he actually cares for me? He cares for someone?
Okay maybe I'm being a bit over dramatic, but I don't care.
We worked together a little bit longer, but it soon came time for supper.
I sighed, I didn't want my alone time with Enoch to end. I don't care if he doesn't feel the same way I do. I still think he kind of enjoys the company I provide him.

//Enoch's POV\\

I looked up at my clock. It was almost supper. I kind of didn't want it to be supper time. I wanted to stay with Olive. She was my closest friend I had, besides Victor, and I enjoyed her company. I felt like I've started to appreciate her more. Well, I've always appreciated her, but I felt like I was showing it more. I didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. I almost called her dear. I honestly don't know what got into me, but I actually felt like I almost enjoyed calling her dear. Like it's something I could get used to calling her.
Snap out of it Enoch. Why are you all of a sudden feeling this way towards her? She's like a sister, and even if you did get feelings for her, she would reject them. I think. Now that I think about it, she might have some feelings for me. I mean, I would be happy if she did, but she probably doesn't. Oh my god Enoch?! What has gotten into you? Are you falling in love? No! It can't be! I don't like Olive that way. She is like a sister to me. But then I caught myself staring at her. She looked up and noticed. We just sat there. Staring into each other's eyes, until I noticed myself gradually getting closer. What was I doing?! Whatever I was doing I wasn't stopping myself. Oh god, I don't want to hurt Olive. If I kiss her, I'll probably scare her away. I'll lose all my friends. I can't do that. As I got even closer I stopped. She was still staring into my eyes with those beautiful green eyes. Was I actually falling for her?!
Before I could kiss her I backed away. It kind of hurt to do that. I don't know why. It also looked like she was a bit upset. Probably just because I scared her. But I couldn't help thinking did she actually want to kiss me?
I excused myself from my thoughts realizing what just happened was followed by an awkward silence.
"W-w-we should p-probably go get ready for supper." I said.
Did I just stutter? In front of Olive?
"O-o-okay." She said.
Good, she also stuttered, now I won't feel as awkward.
As I watched her leave my room my heart felt empty.
Enoch, what has gotten into you?!
I tried my best to stop thinking of her, and with my cold heart it eventually happened.

//Olive's POV\\

I don't really know what happened. One moment I was handing Enoch his tools, the next moment he wouldn't take them. I looked up to see what the matter was. All I saw was his beautiful brown eyes staring into mine. Why was he staring? Then I thought my heart exploded. We starting leaning in closer to each other, until our foreheads almost touched. We kept staring into each other's eyes. Then, sadly, Enoch backed away.
"W-w-we should p-probably go get ready for supper." He said.
Did He just stutter? Actually, it was kind of cute. I smiled to myself.
"O-o-okay." I answered.
I noticed I also stuttered. Crap.
As I left his room I felt sad. I don't want to leave him. Especially after that little "moment". But if we were late to supper people would get suspicious. I went to my room and got changed. I then headed downstairs for dinner but bumped into someone along the way. It was Enoch. I just looked at him then rushed past him and looked down at my feet. Our "moment" wasn't real. It was accidental I guess you could put it. I didn't want him to see me blushing. So I hurriedly went down the steps to go to dinner. Luckily, we weren't the last ones there. Oh well, I bet supper will be awkward now. And I was correct. It was very awkward.

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