Chapter Seven

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Here you guys! I finally am updating even though it's been like a day since the last chapter! The pic up above makes me sad though since my story is well you know, not enough Enolive. But don't worry I'll fix that soon! Anyways, why I'm here is to say THANK YOU FOR OVER 100 READS AND 20 SOMETHING VOTES!! Since this is my first story I am so happy and I try to write the best chapters and try to make them interesting. So if you ever feel like I should add something to make it better tell me! I'll take it into consideration, but yeah enough with the rambling. Enjoy!
//Emma's POV\\

I walked downstairs to go ask Miss P if Liv and I could miss breakfast. When I started talking I noticed everybody looking at me but I just ignored them.
"Miss Peregrine?" I asked. Well, she must know something is up since we peculiars hardly call her by her name, we usually just say Miss P.
"Yes Miss Bloom?"
By then Jill, Enoch, and Bronwyn (who Fiona had to wake up) were all there also.
"Would it be okay if Olive and I miss breakfast today?"
"What do you mean? Where are you going?"
"Well, we just," I looked at Enoch who looked upset. Had he been crying? "we just really need to talk. Like now, so could I bring her something to eat and then go?"
"Well, will you guys be coming to the day of fun?"
"Of course!"
"Then I guess it's fine. But no other peculiars will be leaving breakfast today. Only this one time can Miss Bloom and Miss Elephanta leave."
"Is Olive okay Emma?" Little Claire asked.
"Uhh yes she is fine. We just need"
I think a lot of the older children could tell we didn't need to just "talk". I grabbed some food on a plate then went upstairs ignoring everyone staring at me.

//Enoch's POV\\

I watched Emma leave to go to Olive. I felt bad. If I think about it, over the years all she has ever been is nice to me, yet most of the time I take my anger and moodiness out on her. Emma was right, Olive doesn't deserve me as a friend.
"Mr. O'Connor, did you get any sleep? You look like a zombie." Miss P said chuckling quietly to herself.
"Doesn't he always look like a zombie?" Millard asked.
I shot him a glare but since he is invisible I couldn't tell where his head was facing. The reason I looked like I haven't been asleep is probably from crying. I never really cry so I guess it made me look bad.
"It looks like he's been crying!" Hugh yelled.
"I haven't! I'm just tired." I yelled, trying to get the idea of me crying out of their heads.

//Olive's POV\\

Emma is so sweet. She'll do anything for us. As she walked in my room I tried to stop crying, but ended up getting the hiccups.
"Em. I am going to go get some water to drink. I'll be back in a minute."
"Are you sure you don't want me to go get it?"
"Well, Miss P. might think something is wrong if I didn't go down with you to get my food, so she'll know I'm fine if I get drinks."
"That's a smart idea, but are you sure you can go down and see them?" She asked me.
"I will manage."
I walked downstairs and went through the dining room to go to the kitchen. Everyone was staring at me. I just looked down at my feet.
"Hello Miss Elephanta. Is everything fine?" Miss P. asked me.
"Yes. Emma and I just wanted some water to drink." I said smiling. Seeing Enoch there made it become a fake smile. It was very awkward with everyone staring at me so I just walked into the kitchen and got the water. When I came out Claire asked me a question.
"Yes Claire?"
"Why aren't you smiling?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean you always smile but now you aren't."
"Well, I was, I think. And you don't always have to smile."
"But you always smile."
"Well, I'm sorry Claire I didn't know it upset you."
I didn't want people to suspect anything so I went upstairs to find Emma waiting at the top. She grabbed her drink and looked into the dining room. We could see Enoch looking our way. Then we left to go to my room.
After we ate breakfast it was time to get ready for the day of fun. I got changed into a bathing suit underneath my sundress. I got a towel to bring in case I go in the water and want to dry off. I went downstairs and we all started to go on a walk towards the beach.
Once we got to the beach Claire and Bronwyn asked me if I could help them build their sand castles. Of course I said yes. They wanted more water in their buckets so I said I could go get some more while they kept building. I went down to the water where Hugh, Fiona, Emma, Enoch and Jill were. I went towards Emma. I bent down to fill up the buckets but then we heard a scream. Claire saw the twins wipe out in the water and they went under. Everyone ran over to where they went under frantically searching for them. Only Jill wasn't helping.
"Jill could you help instead of just standing there?" Emma asked. Luckily I wasn't the only one who saw her doing nothing. Just then one of the twins popped up out of the water followed by the other twin. Bronwyn ran straight to them picking them both up. We all went to the sand and sat down a minute to catch our breath.
"Jill, why didn't you try to help us? You just stood on the shore. It was very rude of you, the twins could have drowned!" Emma had dragged me over with her towards Jill where no one else was.
"Look! I'm sorry! I really am. I just, don't like water. It's a cat thing. And I was trying to use my senses to spot movement under the water. I'm sorry. I was trying to stay calm and not panic. Last time I panicked about someone going under water it was my brother. He almost actually drowned. He hit his head on a rock. He was in a coma for weeks." Jill answered.
We both just stood there shocked. I felt kind of bad, but she could have at least told us she was helping.
"Well, while we're here I have another question." Emma said.
"Emma-" I was cut off. I don't like where this is going.
"How come you and Enoch slept together?"
I knew this would be bad.
"Okay look. He was showing me his homunculi when I sat on his bed. I was getting tired but he was so happy that he got to show someone new his peculiarity. I fell asleep and next thing you know I woke up to Emma being loud. I didn't know where I was until I saw Enoch next to me. I got up and left. I didn't mean to honestly. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings Emma."
"What do you mean my feelings?" Emma asked.
"Well, you guys seem like you fancy each other. So I'm sorry." Jill replied innocently.
"OH NO! We do not "fancy" each other. We are just friends. Even though he likes to think he doesn't have any all of us peculiars are family and friends. Well unless we do fancy someone. Such as Hugh and Fiona," nice going there Emma, almost spilled my not so secret secret, "anyway. If you're going to be sorry for anyone be sorry for Olive. Her best friend, besides me of course, is shutting her out because of you!"
"Look, I'm sorry. I want to be your friends. But if you're going to blame me for Enoch liking me than we can't. I'm sorry. We still have feelings for each other. If you're going to be rude than two can play it that way." And with that she walked away, heading towards of course, Enoch.
We still have feelings for each other. Her voice rang through my head. If you both still happen to have feelings for each other how come I've never heard of you from Enoch? I wondered.
"Look Liv, I'm so sorry."
"You don't have to be. You didn't do anything." I wanted to cry but today was our day of fun. I had to force myself to not think of them.
We all played on the beach a bit more when it became lunch time. We gathered everything then walked over to the park. When we got there the children ran off to play while the older peculiars helped set up the picnic. After we got it set up we rounded up the children and we had a picnic. There was all different sorts of picnic foods. Sandwiches, strawberries, grapes, other fruits, and for dessert Miss P brought a cake. We ate and had a good time. After we ate we wanted to play but Miss P told us to wait for our food to settle in our stomachs. So instead Emma and I decided to climb a tree to talk. She wanted to float up but then we realized we left her rope at the house so Emma climbed it with me. We just sat up there and watched all the little ones get excited when Miss P said we could finally play. Emma and I just talked about whatever came to mind. We were like sisters, and best friends. A little while later Hugh called up to us and asked if we wanted to play a game they called "Invisible Tag" where Millard is "it". It sounded like fun so we said yes. It actually was really fun. Millard had taken off his clothes so he was completely invisible (hence the name "Invisible Tag") and we all ran around looking at the ground to try and see movement in the grass. Since we were looking down people kept tripping but then we would get back up. Since Millard is the only invisible peculiar here if we get tagged we stand still until another person comes to unfreeze us (Freeze Tag). It got down to only Enoch left. Everyone else had been tagged. Knowing Enoch he didn't really want to have any physical contact with anyone so he was trying to be independent. Miss P had told us she would let us play for a certain amount of time and then the round would be over. We all were yelling at Enoch to unfreeze someone and not try to run until the timer ended, but of course, when he finally decided to unfreeze some of us, Millard cornered him. He backed into a bush. Then Fiona had an idea, Millard was using his peculiarity so why couldn't we? Fiona started making the bush move so Enoch could go through it and escape. It was a clever idea if I say so myself.
"Hey not fair!" Millard yelled. We just giggled.
"It's very fair." Emma said.
Enoch managed to escape and ran straight towards Horace who was the closest to him. He unfroze Horace and then they both started unfreezing us. We ended up winning. It was really fun so we were upset when Miss P told us we had to go before supper. We all packed up and started to walk home.
It's been a fun day. I thought to myself.

How was that? I decided they could have some fun time for once in a while. Anyways, thanks for reading!

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