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"Hey Margaux!" My best friend Elijah greeted. I screamed and, out of instinct, punched his face.

"Jesus Christ almighty. Woman!" He swore, clutching his bleeding nose. I rolled my eyes at him and continued my walk to the main entrance of hell.

"Aren't you going to apologize?" Eli asked glaring at me. His nose stopped bleeding since he casted a healing spell. Oh, and I forgot to mention that Eli is a wizard in training. He has an older brother named Julius who trains him. It's weird cause you'd expect some as small and skinny as Eli practice defense magic or healing magic, but no. Being the violent male he is he chose to study combat magic.

"Ok, I'm sorry that your face was in the way of my fist." His glare intensified. "I'll try again. I'm sorry that I have incredible reflexes." His glare ot worse and he literally had fire in his eyes. When a witch or wizard emotions become so strong it usually shows in their eyes, like if they're happy their eyes will glow, or if their mad fire will erupt in them. "Ok, last try. I'm sorry." I said. I made my voice crack at the end and made my eyes water so that he'll buy it, and he did.

Eli's eyes cooled down and his glare turned into a worried expression. "Margaux it's fi-"

"That your to dumb to remember that I scare easily." I cut him off and ran inside. I got to my locker and saw my other two best friends, Marina and Zacarus.

Marina was a siren, and a pretty one. She had curly brown hair, soft brown eyes, and beautiful brown skin. She was the princess of the sirens so obviously she had protection. Two bodyguards flanked her on the left and on the right and immediately got in a fighting stance when they saw someone running towards their princess, but they relaxed when they saw that it was just me.

I hid behind Zac cause I knew it would be obvious if I hid behind Marina and her bodyguards. Zac was a demon. He was the second in line for the throne, after his older brother Felix. He had asian features, a fair skin complexion, unlike most demons who had very pale skin. Most would confuse demons for vampires, but it's easy to distinguish the two, vampires had red eyes, demons had black.

"What did you do this time?" Zac asked running a hand through his spiky, black hair.

"I punched him out of instinct cause he teleported again." I told him quickly. I looked through Zac's arm, which was placed on his hip, and saw Eli staring directly at me. I shrieked and jumped back.

"I'm really am sorry, but you know I scare easily so why the hell do you keep teleporting?!" I rushed out before he could kill me.

"Practice." Eli said as he shrugged his shoulders. I rolled my eyes at him amd stuck my hand out. He shook and we looked back the two royals. That's Eli and I's special way of making up. It was simple, and quick, shake hands and pretend like nothing happened.

"So any new suitors?" I asked Marina. Since she was a princess male sirens would always flirt with her and try to get into her pants.

"Luckily no, but I have a feeling there will be. Hopefully this time he's nice." Marina said looking sad. You the any girl would kill to have as much guys going on their knees for them, but not Marina. That's one of the reasons why she's my friend. She rather have a kind nerd as her boyfriend. She looks past looks and looks at personality.

"Well Eli and I have basketball this month. See you girls later." Zac said pulling Eli away with him and walking towards the gym. In our school, since we can't compete with the human school, we can choose a different sport to play each month. We play among ourselves or just practice that sport.

Marina and I started to walk to our seperate classrooms when two hands grabbed my waist and pulled me back pushing me against a random locker. I looked up only to be meeted by blood red eyes filled with lust.

"Lucius." I sneered. He brought his hands to my ass and squeezed it causing me to growl and bite at him.

"Now now. Stop acting like a wolf. You are just a creatura after all." Lucius tsked as he lowered his lips brushing them against my lips. He was right, I was just a creatura, a human, but that doesn't give him a right to do this to me. Now I know what you're thinking. What's a human doing in a monster school? Well since I know all about each and every dei I have to be here since the council can't risk all that information getting to the humans,

"Oh bite me, Bloodlust." I sneered at him.

"Don't mind if I do, love." His fangs grew and he brought his hand up. Before he could put down on my neck I quickly grabbed it and twisted it to his back. I kicked his knees from behind causing him to fall forward. I pinned his arm on his back with my knee as he lay on the floor.

"Never touch me again, Bloodlust. Be lucky your parents are royals." I told looking down at him with disgust. I stood up and walked towards Marina.

"You will be mine again, Margaux Pierce!" Lucius declared as he got up from the floor.

"Still can't believe you dated him." Marina said shaking her head in disbelief. It's true, I dated Lucius Bloodlust. I was a knew kid then and didn't know anything. I had no idea why he would want to even talk to me when he always proclaimed to the whole school how horrible creaturas were. Then a month into our relationship I figured it out, why would they let a creatura into a monster school if he or she wasn't destined for something. He thought that someday I'd obtain powers. I wish.

"He was charming and kind, then he got over protective and cocky." I told her shrugging.

"What if you guys end up being real mates?" She asked. We reached our classroom and as we got in the bell rang.

"I'll just kill myself." I tell her bluntly. I know what you're thinking. What do monsters learn in monster school? Or why do vampires need to go to vampire school? Aren't they immortal?

Ok first of, it depends what kind of monster, or dei, you are. If you're a witch you take witch history, alchemy, potions, and teleportation. If you're a werewolf or vampire you take werewolf/vampire history, a lesson wherein you learn how to survive and live in the woods, and how to shift into your wolf/bat. For sirens and demons they also take their own history, then sirens take underwater combat lessons, demons take a lesson wherein they learn to control their powers, then the rest of the school day us free period up until P.E. Eveybody takes P.E. As for me I can choose which subjects I want to take so I chose siren history, werewolf history, the survival lesson, alchemy and of course P.E.

You don't really have to stay for a certain amount of years. If the dean and the school council deems you ready for the dei world then you can stop going to school.

The rest of the school day goes by fast and I am now getting ready for P.E. Today Mrs. Dodds(aka the demon bitch. Heheh Percy Jackson reference.) told us the we will be playing soccer today. At first I didn't want to play cause I thought we'd be playing girls vs. girls, but then she said we could pick our teams and we can mix with the boys. Now don't get the wrong idea, I'm a hoe, but not that much of a hoe. It's just all the girls in our school only care about their looks and their to much of a pussy to get down and dirty.

I ran to the field to where Eli, Zac and Marina were standing in a small circle. We needed three more people. I looked around the field and saw a girl that I talked to during werewolf history, her name's Cristel, but I call her Cris. Cris was pretty werewolf, she had short brown hair, tan skin, and like every werewolf she was muscular.

"Hey Cris!" I call put to her. She's the daughter of one of the strongest alpha's known to the dei world. I'm not a snob or anything, it's just that these people were very humble when it came to who their parenst were, and that's what I love about them. "Come join our team!" I motioned for her to join our little group. She smiled at me and made her way here.

Ok good, so two more people. I saw the twins, Dawn and Dusk, and called out to them. They were demons so they had pale which gave their dirty blond haor and brown eyes more color.

"Hey Mars." They spoke in unison.

"Suh dudes. Let's beat these fuckers." I cheer pumping my fist in the air. After about a minute or two Mrs. Dodds blew her whistle and the game between my team versus Lucius' team. Woow, whaaat a coincidence! Note the sarcasm.

I passed the ball to Cris, then she did a back pass to Dawn. As expected someone went to get the ball from her so she passed the ball to me I ran all the way til I passed the line of the goalie's box. I was about to kick the ball when suddenly somebody tackled me to the ground.

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