Chapter 3

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I was happily dreaming about rainbows and butterflies when a large, black shadow blocked the view. I frowned and heard a deep voice calling "Wake up!". My eyes fluttered open, and I jumped when I saw Jay standing over me, shaking me lightly.

"I'm up! Jesus!" I sat up, dishevelled, and rubbed my eyes.

"Good. I need to tell you something," he sat at my side, "My parents are out of town for the weekend, so I'm gonna throw a party. Are you okay with that?"

I could see with his eyes that he was begging for my approval, and I had to squelch the urge to slap him and say no. "As long as no drunk idiots come barging into my temporary room, its fine by me."

"What do you mean, 'temporary'?"

"Just-- nothing. Don't get drunk please."

"I don't drink," he shifted, turning his body to face me, "I don't like the taste."

I nodded, happy to hear this. At least I'd have someone to cling to when things got crazy. "Um, when is it?"

"I'm thinking around eight. We can eat and you can get settled before things get crazy."

I forced a smile. I wasn't too ecstatic about this whole "party" thing, but at least Jay wasn't going to be trashed by the end of it. I made my way over to my newly stocked closet, grabbing some sweatpants off and hanger. "So, what's for breakfast?"

Jay coughed. "If you're expecting me to cook, you're dead wrong. I'd probably burn the house down--"

I bit my lip hard, staring at him like he'd just punched me in the stomach. He must have noticed my expression, because his features softened.

"I'm sorry... I'm not used to watching what I say..."

"Its fine." I slipped into my sweatpants, quickly shuffling downstairs. I heard him sigh deeply before coming after me.

"Alex, seriously. I'm really sorry."

I whipped around on my heels to face him. "And I told you it was okay. Do you have any pancake mix?"

Jay nibbled on his lip nervously, avoiding my eyes. "Its in the double doors, by the trash can."

I nodded tightly, walking into the kitchen. I immediately spotted the pantry -- it was hard to miss with its big, shiny, white doors. I grabbed the mix, read the directions, and began mixing vigorously.

"So, you're not going to speak to me now?" He stood behind me and I felt his eyes burning holes into my back as I mixed.

"I never said that."

"You certainly implied it."

"Its just-- still fresh on my mind. I'm sorry for being such an ass about it."

He jumped on the counter, placing his hands in his lap. "Its alright."

Within twenty minutes, the pancakes were done and Jay and I were sat down to the table, eating in uncomfortable silence. There were a few times I wanted to ask him something, but I just stuffed more pancakes in my mouth. It was only when he was about to get up that I blurted, "What do you mean when you say... that I'm not part of the family yet?"

He looked at me, his face showing he was amused by my question, almost as if he expected it. "I just mean that my parents haven't gotten used to having you around, that's all."

"Oh..." I nodded, smiling weakly.

"Are you done? I'll take your plate," he offered, obviously trying to steer the subject away from his parents. I nodded again, handing him my plate. As he washed the dishes, I drank my orange juice and tried to push the thought that he might have meant something else out of my mind, but it was hard. I mean, there could always be the possibility that he could like me--

"No," I scolded myself quietly, "Not possible, never going to happen." Right?


It was nearly seven-thirty and Jay was bustling about, getting things ready for his party. I was sitting on the couch, knees pulled up to my chest, when someone began to go crazy with the doorbell. I jumped, startled.

I heard Jay chuckle from behind me. "Relax, its probably Lisa."

"Lisa?" I felt a small pang of jealousy. "Who is that?"

"My friend." He opened the door, greeted her, then invited her inside. Lisa practically threw herself onto him.

"Hi! I've missed you so much!"

Jay tried to unwrap her arms from around his neck. "I've only been gone for a day..."

"That doesn't mean I didn't miss you."

I cleared my throat loudly. Something about Lisa bothered me.

"Oh, yeah," It bothered me that Jay seemed to forget I existed. "Lisa, this is Alex."

Lisa gave me a once-over, nodding tightly. "I see. Hello."

"Hi..." I said timidly.

Lisa walked over and sat down in one of the two chairs set up in the living room, and it was then that I decided to get a good loom at her. Her body was shaped like an hourglass and her eyes were electric blue. Judging by the latest spring Chanel dress she had on, I knew she kept up with the latest fashion trends, probably by catalog.

"If you're admiring my dress, the thank you." She said cooly, and I noticed I was practically gawking. I felt my cheeks burn, not sure if it was from embarrassment or the fact that I already didn't like her.

Jay bounced back into the room ten minutes later, excited as hell. "Everything's ready," he plopped down next to me; I was secretly glad about this. "Have you two had a chance to talk?"

I wondered where Jay's brain had been if he hadn't noticed how barren the room was of any sound for the past ten minutes. "Uh, sure..."

"Good!" He clapped his hands as the first batch of guests run the doorbell. I took this as my cue to leave, but before I could slip over to the stairs, Lisa toon hold of my arm.

"Leaving so soon?" Her voice sounded sad, but the expression on her face said that she was ecstatic to get rid of me.

I plastered a big smile on my face, saying enthusiastically, "Oh yeah! I'm not really a party animal, you might say."

Lisa scowled, flipped her blond hair over her perfectly sculpted shoulder, and twitched away. I rolled my eyes, making my way into my room and slamming the door. I searched for a lock, but there wasn't one. I groaned. I'f be lucky if a drunk couple didn't stumble in.

I sat at a small desk perched in a corner of the room, dragging my backpack with me. I was praying my homework hadn't gotten wet, because I had a lot of it. I heard more guests piling in as I rummaged through my stuff (which, to my dismay, was completely drenched).

About an hour later, as I let my home work air dry on my desk, I heard a loud bang on my door. I jumped, knowing it was probably some drunk.

"Busy!" I yelled over the loud blare of the club music, but I guess they didn't hear me, because they flung open the door anyway.

"I said--" I began, but was cut short. Jay and a very drunk Lisa stumbled into my room.

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