Chapter 5

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The next morning, Jay offered to take me to breakfast at McDonald's, to make up for being an ass to me the night before. Although, I really couldn't blame him. An overly-obsessive girl was stripping and giving people lap dances... I'd be pissed too. But I agreed; I didn't want him to think I was mad (I really couldn't stay the slightest bit upset with him).

Fifteen minutes later, we were sitting in a booth in the far corner of the resturant, waiting for our order. We were quietly discussing going to the local school supply shop to get some school uniforms for myself, when there was a loud smack against the main doors. I saw Jay glance up, roll his eyes and mumble, "Look like she's found a new toy."

I didn't have to turn around to know who it was. I groaned, stuffing my face in my hands. I heard people saying things like, "Ew!" and "Get a room...". Lisa and whoever it was came tumbling into the resturant, and this time I did look. It was the same guy from last night (eek). Both of them looked disshevled (probably from last night), and neither of them bothered to comb their hair. But they were too busy sucking face to notice me or Jay; they probably didn't even know where they were.

When I turned to Jay, his eyes were closed, a hand on his forehead, probably thinking 'Why did I ever date her?' I coughed and he opened one eye to look at me. "Where are they now?"

I glanced back momentarily to see. The manager was trying desperately to push them outside, most likely to a more... private place, but Lisa swatted them away dragging her toy towards the women's bathroom. "Um, well..."

"Nevermind. I'm not sure I want to know."

Our order number was called and for a minute, neither of us bothered to move. I gave Jay a 'be-a-man' look, and he finally groaned, getting up to retrieve our meals. But of course, as luck would have it, the minute he scampered by the bathrooms, Lisa opened her eyes and saw him.

"Oh, Jay!" She wailed, needlessly loud. "I'm so glad you're here!"

He walked past, ignoring her, but Lisa followed, her little sex partner forgotten.

"I've missed you so much! Your party was great, until that stupid, ugly bitch came and--"

"Okay, first of all, she's not stupid, and she's definitely not ugly," Jay whirled around, suddenly really angry, "Second of all, you were the one who ruined my party,  not her. So before you even--"

Lisa snorted. "You can't tell me my performance wasn't the best thing you've ever seen."

"It certainly wasn't sexy."

"You can't pretend we don't have something going on."

Jay grabbed our order, then asked for an extra cup. Then he did something completely unexpected. He stalked over to the soda machine, filled the cup to the brim with Coke, and walked back to Lisa. He gave her a tentative smile before dumping the contents of the cup over her head. Lisa screamed and there were loud gasps from behind the counter.

"Oh my God!! My hair!" She quickly began to look for something to dry off her hair with.

Jay rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I suppose now we're through?"

Lisa scowled before stalking over to me. All I could do was blink at her. "Fuck. You," she gave me a hard slap on the cheek, "I hope you kill yourself. You're worthless compared to me. Trust me, once he realises his mistake, he'll come crawling back to me." She abruptly turned on her heels and twitched out of the door.

I wanted to mention that I didn't think of Jay in that way (although, this would be the world's biggest lie), but I was too busy holding back the tears in my eues to say anything. I turned sideways in the booth so I could pull my knees to my chest.

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