Chapter 4

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"Well, this is a plesant surprise," I mumbled, biting my lip. A wave of jealousy washed over me, although I wasn't sure why. I couldn't possibly have feelings for him... could I?

Jay gave me a desperate 'help-me' look, prying Lisa's skinny leg from around his hip. Lisa let out a loud whine, beginning to grind helplessly against him. I rolled my eyes, practically throwing Lisa off him. "You're welcome."

"I didn't start this," he explained, "She came to me."

I nodded, staying quiet.

"I swear, she--"

"Just get her out of here," I mumbled through clenched teeth, plopping back down in my desk chair. Jay obeyed, pushing Lisa out and slamming the door. I vigorously began waving my hands back and forth over my homework, trying to push the jealous lump in my stomach someplace else.

"You can't tell me you're jealous of Lisa," I glanced up to see him smirking at me.

I frowned. "Of course not!"

"Really? It sure seems like it."

"Shut up"

"Ha!" he chuckled. "You're so jealous."

I groaned. "Will you let it go?"

Jay plopped down on my bed. "Do you think I'e got something with her?" He twisted his face in disgust, making me giggle.

"Well, I mean, it certainly seems like it..."

The way he stared at me told me that I'd probably interpreted things wrong.

"Actually, I hate her."

"Then why--"

"I didn't ask her to show up, she just came. She thinks we've still got a thing," he put air quotes around the word 'thing', rolling his eyes.

I stifled a snort. "You've done so much better."

"Gee, thanks for you're undying support," He yawned.

I forced a smile, sitting on the edge of the bed, trying not to squeak. It felt unusual to have a boy so close to me and me made me feel slightly uncomfortable.

Jay must've noticed me fidgeting, because he chuckled under his breath.

"You okay?"

"Um, yeah..."

He raised his eyebrow. "That wasn't a very convincing answer."

"It was to me."

"You seem stressed."

I bit the inside of my cheek nervously. "Well, finals are coming up, you know... gotta get it all in my little brain."

"Oh?" Jay seemed very amused. "Are you sure about that?"

I began to nod, but before I could say something clever, he'd shifted behind me, put his hands (did I mention they're big) on my shoulders, and began to slowly knead his thumbs into my neck.

"Hmm... you're tense."

I could hear the smirk he most likely had plastered on his face. "Um, well--"

"Well?" He echoed, moving to the middle of my back, digging into my muscles.

"Well, I mean, I just lost my house and my family, soooo..."

"I can understand that, but I'm talking about other things."

I groaned. "I'm not jealous, Jay"

"Seems like it to meee." He sing-songed, massaging the small of my back. I had to hold back to the urge to reach back and slap him. But I didn't really want him to stop... it felt nice. Of course, I wouldn't tell him that.

We kept arguing for the next five minutes, and I finally gave up, knowing that he wasn't going to let me win (in my opinion, he should have).

"Ha! I win!" He chanted, sticking out his tongue at me.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

"I always win."

"Don't you have a party to tend to?"

As soon as I finished my sentence, there was a loud yell from downstairs.

"Oh, shit." Jay jumped up, walking to the door. Before he left, he turned back to me and said, "I'll be back." The he disappeared. I started to get a tingle in my tummy, it was the one I always got when I suspected that someone liked me. Although, half the time, my suspisions were wrong.

I heard another yell and a 'Get out!'. I shuffled to the door, opening it slightly. I nearly choked on my saliva. Lisa was standing half naked over some boy (most likely a football player), giving him a lap dance. Jay was ushering people out the door, but Lisa and the boy didn't budge. I actually didn't think the knew he was in the room.

I groaned, reluctantly forcing myself to go down there. I found what I assumed was Lisa's shirt, shoving it in her face. She blinked at me, a scowl on her face.

"I was busy."

"Get out. Seriously. You're disgusting."

Lisa shoved her shirt drunkenly over her head, snickering. "I'm prettier than you'll ever be. Just remember that."

Before I could punch her, Jay grabbed both Lisa and the boy by the arms, dragging them to the door. "Out. Now."

Lisa let out a loud whine. "But--"

"Get the hell out!"

She jumped, scampering out of the house, the boy she was probably going to bang later right on her heels. Jay began picking up scattered cups, huffing.

I bit my lip, closing the door. "Um, is everything--"

"Everything's fine. Don't worry about it."

"You just seem pissed..."

"Why'd you come down here?" He glanced up at me, ignoring my previous comment.

"Well, I mean... I figured you might need help..."

Jay shrugged. "Thanks, I guess."

I nodded, handing a beer bottle to him. He nodded tightly.

"Um, I'll leave now..."

"No, don't."

I blinked, confused. Jay had finished picking up all the littered trash and was sat on the couch. He waved for me to sit by him. Not wanting to seem rude (or make him more pissed than he already was), I went and sat next to him.

"Sorry about all that..."

I shrugged. "It's alright."


"Jay, it's fine. Really."

He bit his lip nervously, nodding. I turned, folding my legs underneath me, and smiling. "When are your parents coming home.

"Sunday evening..."

I cringed. "Ew."

"I know. Sometimes I wish they were dead."

"Woah, no need to go to extremes..."

He stared at me. "They don't care about me. I shouldn't care about them."

"My parents didn't like me either, but..."

"Its whatever," He got up, "I'm going to pick up the rest of this shit."

"Okay," I nodded, biting my lip. In a way, I wished he would talk to me more, but I had a feeling that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

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