Fight the light

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Way back to his time where he was betrayed

Tetsuya's pov

I was at the airport waiting for my plane to arrive I was supposed to go to America tomorrow but I really want to see my family again

And forget everything what happened at the day what they did to me I want to forget everything

I want to die I can't stop thinking about what happened and what they said to me back then

But I remember what she told me


I was sitting at the swing back and forth I was crying because of my teammates betraying me but then

"Hey are you okay?"

A girl with bright blue hair like mine with a cute and feminine style and with a bright blue eyes like the ocean and it seems like a year younger than me asked me

'Am I seeing an angel?'

I asked myself while looking at her


She waved her hand in front of my face

"Oh uh I'm sorry I was just thinking of something"

I said embarrassed from my actions

"Oh okay anyway my name is Nagisa"

Wait her name is NAGISA?!


"Yes do I know you?"

"It's me Tetsuya I'm your older cousin"

"Huh but the Tetsuya I know is at the America?"

"I my flight was changed silly"

Her face brighten once she recognized me then hugged me

"Heheheh I'll miss you Tetsu-nii please don't leave me"

"I'll miss you too but I have to but anyway what are you doing here alone in the park?"

"Well I don't really have much friends and most of the part mommy won't allow me so I sneak out and played by myself"

'I see aunt really is a monster there is no doubt mom and aunt are siblings '

"Oh I see well you need to go back before aunt see you here alone you better go now" I said

"I won't"


"I said I won't i know what auntie did to you
Tetsu-nii you can't hide it from me and I know what you're planning I maybe younger but I can understand people especially people who I treasure the most" she said with worry eyes on her face

I knew I can't hide anything from her even though she's younger she dose understand me she's smart but she has  something in her that I can tell.... she has a snake inside of her that can kill anyone with one look especially when it comes to her love ones

"*sign* I think you know what I'm about to do once I'm alone"

She nodded and said something that can easily struck me

"You were planning on suicide are you" she said to me straight in the eye

I just nod then looked at the ground

"I'm done of living I want to die I don't know why but I'm done playing basketball I give up I don't want to live anymore I'm useless, disgrace and a bad luck to everyone mom doesn't even want me here what's my purpose of living if I can't even do something right I can't live I just can't live anymore I want to die I'm useless to everyone..." I said and i felt like crying over and over again just like that time

That's when it got silent there were no more words I was speechless I can't even look at her in the eye then she said something that can make a man go forward

"Tetsu-nii you're not useless you never were beside even though you seem weak and useless you were useful to us, me and the others I can't even imagine living without the best cousin like you, I never would want that I want you to know that even though people said those terrible, terrible things to you I want you to remember that you are still you... we can't change what they said about us but you living like hell is not such a terrible thing because if we live like hell that just mean that we were tested"


"Yes. Good won't put us to a difficult test if we can't handle it, I know and you know that we can get to are feet and fight the light and change what is right so you tell me am I wrong or am I right?"

"Your.... right"

"See I've been to your situation before and you know what I did I just got to my feet and look at them then walked away like there was no tomorrow I acted normal after that day they didn't bother me for the day, I may look like a weak girl but it doesn't mean I don't have strength in me... you see I can't fight but I can change so you tell me Tetsu-nii" she stopped then looked at me straight in the eye

"Dose the shadow give up that esily?"

then I realized all this time I was just running away, if the light can conger the shadow It doesn't mean the shadow can't conger the light it's self ...... I was stupid I didn't realize back then that I was a coward I was running away from the light who pushed me back...... I then smirk then said with pride in my eyes

"No the shadow doesn't give up that esily"

I said then she smiled then she held herpinky finger to me

"Then that's a pinky promise, promise me never to die in someone else hands just because they think you're weak"



And that's when we made the promise

Flashback end

"Flight *** has arrived please all passengers at flight *** wait at the gate of flight ***
Thank you"

I was daydreaming on the way to the gate at my flight  I was supposed to go on a Tuesday so my flight was transferred to a Wednesday than Tuesday and now I'm at the air port leaving for America but then

I remember and now I want to forget please let me forget but still

I'm glad that she was there and that promise will never be broken

Because I am a shadow that can fight the light


Okay thanks for waiting for this chapter I was really really busy with school but thank you for waiting I really did my best to this chapter

I'll be updating as soon as possible so please stay tuned I LOVE YOU ALLL


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