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The day of the wedding was here and I was really nervous and excited. I already had my dress on and I was styling my hair .It was gonna be a private wedding just me ,Hero , and Steve as the priest . we didn't want anything big just something stupid simple . i dropped the veil over my S/C face and took a deep breath in . i then took a step forward ,opening the doors . i took step after step looking forward while the white cape dragged behind me . i finally got to the pedestal . i twiddled my thumbs nervously while looking down shyly . i then felt a pair of hand hold mine causing me to look up to see Hero smiling at me warmly as i smiled back blushing a bit .

"It's ok i'm nervous too ,"

Hero whispered to me .i nodded as steve started saying some marriage thingys but i wasn't paying attention as i was staring into Heros glowing white eyes .then heard a steve say

"time for the vows "

Hero let go with one hand and took one of my hands . He grabbed a ring from a floating wool block .he slide it on my ring finger then looked me in the eyes .

"I, Herobrine Minecraft, take you, Y/N L/N, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, i will never leave her side , she's my little angel ,goofball , and so much more ,she's my best friends most importantly and forever she will be even after death ,"

i had tears in my eyes when he said this then i grabbed the other ring and placed in on his ring finger .

"I, Y/N L/N, take you, Herobrine Minecraft, to be my lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, to trust and tell you everything , to be by your side and to grow stronger for you ,"

i haw Hero smile increase as i said that .

"you may now kiss the bride ,"

Hero didn't waste a second when Steve said those words . He grabbed me by the waist and tilted my head up passionately kissing me. i wrapped my arms around his neck kissing back . when we separated we place each others foreheads against each others as we smiled like mad men .he then picked me up bridal style and snapped his fingers making us appear in front of a cabin on the edge of a lake. Hero smiled down at me as i cuddled to his chest looking around a bit . he walked towards the cabin and kicked the door open then went straight to the bedroom . it had i kind size bed with a velvet bed cover . Hero tossed me onto the bed and jumped on the bed next to me .

"you ready beautiful ?"


i nodded and he crawled over me and started kissing up and down my neck . i bit my lip then he found my sweet spot and i let out a moan . he started to abuse it as i moaned . he then started to lift my dress up and i help him then my bra goes too . he then started to kiss my stomach and breasts causing me to moan then i took of his shirt and guided my fingers up and down his chest. This caused him to shiver . He then forcefully forced my undergarments off and smirked causing me to pout a bit

"No fair ,you still have you pants on ,"

He smirked and took off his pant and boxers .

I'm sorry I could anymore . I'm 14 comeone my face is all read writhing this but hay you got this much . I'm not writing any more lemon only lemon I will ever write will be rape . Not weird at all . Ok so let me know if you want a other chapter or even a sequel.

Fixing two souls(Herobrine x depressed abused reader)Where stories live. Discover now