Chapter 1-My Ted

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I am Rory. I am a dog. And I love Ted. My Ted. Ted is my owner but he needs me as much as I need him, it's because he's old I think-and when you're old it's nice to have a friend you can rely on. Ted relies on me. But I rely on Ted. My Ted.

I remember that day. Was the best day of my entire life. The day Ted found me was a day that I wish I could relive, I wish I could go back to that day and savor all the moments I spent with my Ted. But I can't, and never will be able to. Ever. 

I don't remember much though- only that I was alone on the street. Alone. I hate being alone but I only realized that after I wasn't alone anymore. One day I was sleeping on my concrete pavement (I hated that concrete pavement, in fact I hated everything about that life-not my life. Not anymore.) and then I heard a voice, a sort of muffled, soft, old voice. I remember looking up and seeing his face it was a wrinkly face but a kind face, and just like that I trusted him, I trusted Ted. After that day it was all getting better for me. I was living with my Ted and I liked it very much, all the food and the comfy blankets and the shoes, oh I loved the shoes there were always so many of them ready to be chewed- in fact I think the shoes were the best part, no, definitely not, Ted was the best part, No doubt about it. Ted was always going to be my favourite part. Always.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2017 ⏰

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