Chapter 11

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-   Grayson's POV   -

"Guys the pizzas were so freaking good!", Ethan said. "Ethan!!", we all screamed to him and began to laugh while he took ot the keys to our house. 

Ethan and Stassie held hands, how cute they are. I hugged Tori from behind. She just turned around and hugged me back. I don't know, if we are really best friends? I think I have more feelings than just friendship..

"Gray, Imma' go now, see you tomorrow.", she said and gave me a kiss on my cheek and said bye to the others. "Tori wait, I'm coming with you, I also have to go.", Mahogany interrupted her. Tori just nodded. 

E, Stass and I just looked questionily at each other. When they got out of our house, I joined E and Stass.

"Guys, I think something is wrong with Tori and Mahogany. I mean, I think they have a secret or something like this.", I said and was confused. Ethan and Stassie also were confused. "I don't know, but I think Mahogany would tell me if something was wrong. She trusted me everything that happened.", Stassie answered.

"Guys, what about following them on the way to their home? Maybe they aren't even going to home?", Ethan said. "Good idea.", I said. "Imma savage cuzzzz.", Ethan added. "Dude!", I said. "E! Can you please be serious one time tho?", Stassie interrupted me and we got a little laugh attack.

So we went out of the house and followed them, they were not far away from our house yet. "FBI skills.", Ethan whispered. Stassie quietly laughed and gave him a kiss. They were walking really slow, they talked about something and it looked like it was important. 

It was almost night time, and they went in the direction of the skate board park. So we went there too. 

"Guys, what could they do at this time in this small street? By the way I thought they are going to the skate board park?", Stassie whispered. To be honest, I first thought of drugs or some stuff like this, but Tori and Mahogany would never deal with 'em. 

"Drugs?", Ethan asked without expecting an answer but I still answered. "That's actually what I was thinking about! Dude we are so similar.", I whispered and gave Ethan a high five. "Twin goals, dude!", Ethan added and we both began to laugh while Stassie looked at us like 'What the f*ck is going on?!' lol. 

"Guys to be honest I am afraid, this street is like kind of dead. Babe, you could be right. But I can't believe that they would do that.", Stassie looked at Ethan. "Baby, I am here. Nothing will happen when I am with you.", Ethan answered her while she got nearer to Ethan. They were literally goals as f*ck.

"E, Stass! Look out! They are really dealing? I mean it is grass, I'm quite sure!!", I said and got a little bit louder. "Pscht!!!", Stassie interrupted me.

"Uhm, let's go back, let's talk to them tomorrow!", Stassie said because she really was afraid. 

-   Anastasia's POV   -

It's so creepy here. When Ethan realized that I was afraid, he hugged me from the back. I just hold his arm.

"Okay, she's right let's go home and tomorrow we will ask them about this happening.", Ethan added. "I can't leave them here, especially Tori..", Grayson said and looked down. "Gray we will talk to them tomorrow, who knows how long they be doing this!", I said and Ethan agreed with me. So we went back home and on the way they brought me to my house. 

"Thank you guys. And also thank you for this amazing day, it was wonderful!", I said and hugged them. Ethan also gave me a long goodbye kiss while Grayson was chuckling. "Everything for you princess.", Ethan said. Awee. 

When I got home and refreshed myself, I decided to do a party by my own. So I turned to music on and started to dance and sing. I love it.

-   Ethan's POV   - 

"Dude, I love her. I have never loved somebody that much. She is so amazing and so cute!", I said to Gray. He smiled. "I think she is the right one for you, I like her. You guys are goals af!", Grayson answered. "What about Tori, I know you have a thing dude.", I said and wiggled with my eyebrows. "Bro I don't know. It is kinda difficult. I think.." "You love her, more than as a friend?", I continued his sentence. He looked at me, and got ashamed. Then he nodded. "But, what about these drugs stuff? Why would she deal with grass?", he added and got upset. "Dude, we will solve this, I promise!", I said to comfort him. 

Finally we arrived at home, it was almost midnight. 

"E, we have to record a video for the Dolan twins tuesday! We forgot dude.", Gray remembered me. "Yeah, you are right. We still have 2 days.", I said to him. "One and a half!", Gray corrected me and started to laugh. I laughed too.   

"I wonder what Tori is doing right now. It is stuck in my head.", Gray said after a while. "Bro, just wait until tomorrow. Everything is fine. Everything will be fine! You will see.", I comforted him one more time and then I gave him a hug.

Suddenly I got a new message.

1 new message(s) from: Babygirl

"Good Night babe, I hope you will sleep well. Btw I tried to call Mahogany but her phone is off. I love you!", the message said. So I wrote a message back.

"Good night my everything, see you tomorrow and thank you for letting me or rather me and Grayson know. I love you more"

I told Gray that Mahogany's phone was off and he got a little bit worried. "Bro, everything will be fine, let's go to bed now!", I said and he agreed.

So we refreshed ourselves and put some pajamas on. After I checked my phone I went to bed. There were so many cute messages from our fans. I love them all and I wished I could hug them all.

The Road Called Life • a Lovestory of Ethan Dolan & Me •Where stories live. Discover now