Chapter 13

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The two women sat in silence at the table, refusing to look at one another. They stared at different points of the destroyed kitchen.

Chairs were tipped over, the tablecloth was sprawled out on the floor with cutlery on top, there were specs of blood in various areas. It looked like like a tornado had rolled through- there was even bits of broken glass and dishes on the floor!

Pancake was staring up at the cieling in order to stop the blood from her completely fucked   nose to ruin the table. She couldn't find the ice, neither could Pensador, so-

Quickly she looked up, a severe pain in her hand that was spreading at a rapid rate up her left arm.

Pensador smirked as she let go of the fork currently dug into the hand of her partner. It was a cheap shot, but so were the plates.

The deaf woman brought a shaky arm to her chest and then wrapped her other hand around the handle. If you can't see it, you can't feel it, right? She clenched her teeth and pulled, and pulled, and pulled until the fork was free. She angrily threw it against the table and watched it slide to the end.

They were both dreading the Gerhardts reaction.

Pensador slowly placed her boot on the seat of Pancake's chair and then pushed with all her strength. The brunette suddenly flailed and narrowly caught herself by grabbing onto the edge of the table for dear life. She pulled herself forward and sent a glare to Pensador.

Pancake suddenly kicked the closest chair leg of her partner's chair, catching Pensador's leg in the process, and a splintering CRACK  followed.

Pensador grew wide eyed and placed a hand on her leg, suddenly in more pain than before. The adreniline was running out, and her leg was throbbing.

"Fuck you." A growl the deaf woman couldn't even hear.

Pancake reached into her pockets and then leaned down to grab something, seemingly looking for an object. When she sat up, she flipped Pensador the bird instead.

"What..." A voice began from the doorway, trailing off at the scene before him.

"The glass was me." Pensador stated, pointing at where her glass had previously hit the wall. As if that would make a difference.

"What did you do?" Dodd asked, slowly walking in. He leaned around the corner in order to see the unseen damage. "You..."

"Where's your ice?"

The eldest Gerhardt shook his head as he picked up two tea towels and then retrieved some ice. He wrapped the ice in the towels and offered one to each of the girls.

Pensador accepted one with no question, placing it on her forehead at an angle so it would also treat her left brow. Pancake was less willing to accept, brown eyes meeting his for a couple of seconds before she snatched the ice from his hand and set on the bridge of nose, trying to angle it ever so slightly so her cheek wouldn't throb anymore.

Neither women were happy judging by the unimpressed gleam in their eyes and their furrowed brows. Their body language was stuck on defensive, ready to lash out once more if need be.

Dodd picked up a chair and placed it down at the head of the table, directly adjacent to Pancake. He removed his hat and placed it down on the completely trashed table.

"What the hell happened?" A question he got no reply for, not even a reaction, really.

"I think," Pensador suddenly began, blinking ahead of her. Her eyes looked to Dodd although her head never moved, "I've got a concussion."

Dodd stared at the woman momentarily before talking, "I think you're a goddamn idiot."

A small, genuinely humerous chuckle escaped the woman, "I think," She paused to gesture to Pancake, "She's got a broken nose."

Pancake exhaled fron her nose and then gently rolled the ice, wincing at the pain. It wasn't broken, but it was going to be sore for a while. She raised a hand and did a cutting motion through the air, a sign that it wasn't.

Dodd looked around once more, eyes falling on an object at his feet. He leaned down, picked it up, and then examined it in both hands at the table. He was noticeably frowning; the purple ceramic in his hand was Floyd's,and she had had it for years. In fact, Dodd remembered getting it for her when he was a child, around 12-13, and her appreciation. She had put it in the kitchen and that's where it stayed up until a few minutes ago. (I'm sorry Dodd ;-; )

"I got hit around the head." Pensador stated, referring to the object in his hands. Correctly she was shoved into it, but hey, nobody could deny it.

'I think my side is fucked again.' Pancake abruptly signed, wincing in pain aftetwards. 'And I'm one hundred percent sure that I bruised my foot kicking your chair.'

'Kill yourself.'

'Fucking faggot.'

"Stop." Dodd raised his voice ever so slightly. "There's more wood to unload." He looked to Pancake.

Pancake arched a brow at Dodd, about to protest before he shook his head. She reluctantly stood and placed the iced towel onto the table before walking out of the room and upstairs to the bathroom.

"How did it start?"

"I don't remember," A lie, "But it escalated veeeery quickly."

Dodd gently placed the purple ceramic on the table next to his hat.

"I don't know what happened, or why, but If I were you I'd try to get this cleaned up before anyone sees."

"How can I-"

"Your found way is me. I don't want them kicking up shit as much as you do."

Was Dodd really throwing her a lifeline?

"Get yourself cleaned up."

Pensador slowly stood, her leg still very much in pain. She began to limp to the door.

"If you do this again, I'll personally see to it that you get more than a few cuts."

A/N: Dodd loves them really! I feel bad for him, that vase was personal. Sorry if it's boring, I just had to write them being salty to one another!

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