Chapter 24

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Pensador groaned softly as she woke, light from an unseen source blinding her temporarily. She shifted in her seat, and her hand went to soothe her aching temple. Suddenly her hand jolted still.

"You're awake."

Her head shot up and her eyes opened, causing her to almost instantly recoil in pain. Her legs shifted slightly, though she made no attempt to stand.

Lorne was watching her with pure enjoyment, brown eyes concentrated on the woman on the floor of his room. He carefully placed his headphones down on the duvet beside him, making sure not to possibly break them in any way shape or form.

Quietly, he had been watching the woman unconscious whilst listening to his recordings for what seemed like hours. In reality, it had only been one and a half. Time really flies when you're having fun.

"Where... where am I?" Her voice was weak and raw with cold, not to mention the aching embedded into her temple.

"With me," A curt reply, "You've been out a while."

"No shit, sherlock." She allowed her head to rest back against, she guessed, a wall.

A small, closed mouth chuckle escaped Malvo.

"I wouldn't get comfortable if I were you." He advised, "You're not going to be here long."

"If your plan is to draw my partner in, sorry to tell you, Mr. Malvo, but we're going to be here for quite a while."

He grinned widely, "I highly doubt that."

Pancake strode into the Gerhardt's house and passed the guards. She was traveling at considerable speed, and swiftly side stepped Bear into the kitchen. She made her way to the fridge.

Furiously ripping it open, she clutched the coat tightly under her arm and glanced over the contents.

"Are you alright?" Bear enquired, stepping forward from the doorway. He didn't expect an answer, so wasn't surprised to find himself watching her choose which thing to eat or drink.

"What the hell is she doing?"

Bear looked back to Dodd, who was standing in the doorway, anything but thrilled with the woman in the room. He didn't respond, gaze going back to her.

She reached in and revealed a carton of apple juice before closing the fridge. She turned, coming toe to toe with the eldest Gerhardt. Her eyes trailed up his chest to meet his gaze, and for a moment there was a battle of dominance.

She stepped to the side.

He stepped to the side.

She stepped to the other side.

He stepped to the other side.

Inwardly Pancake sighed and prayed to God above that he'd just fucking move.

She placed a hand onto his shoulder and shoved him as she took a step forward. He responded by gripping her bicep, halting her advance.

"Dodd." Bear warned, voice much more gravelly than usual.

His brother didn't bother to look back, instead his gaze searched hers. For the longest time they stood like that, and then he released his grip and she strode to the table.

Gently setting her partner's coat onto the table, the brunette took a seat at the head of the table. She opened the carton in her hands and then pulled the plate of bread towards herself, ripping off a piece as she began to drink the apple juice.


Suddenly Numbers entered, Wrench following suit. The tasselled man took a stand beside Pancake, giving her, and the coat, a glance. Numbers stood the other side of her, watching in disbelief as the woman was downing the liquid.

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