Pocky Game

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I drew the people from our comic playing the Pocky Game! Some of them aren't introduced yet, but they will be soon

(Aura-Aura)I drew the people from our comic playing the Pocky Game! Some of them aren't introduced yet, but they will be soon

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Xavier and Zenith are the only ones I made digital

Xavier and Zenith are the only ones I made digital

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Zenith and Katie

Vio and KatieThey are bestfriends based off of Rice and I

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Vio and Katie
They are bestfriends based off of Rice and I. We are really weird bestfriends XD

 We are really weird bestfriends XD

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Wren and Zenith

Katie and WrenThey don't really like each other

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Katie and Wren
They don't really like each other

Katie and WrenThey don't really like each other

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Vio and Wren
They don't even know each other...


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